Django Import Export Save

Django application and library for importing and exporting data with admin integration.

Project README

==================== django-import-export

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Straightforward, reliable and comprehensive file import / export for your Django application.

django-import-export is an application and library which lets you manage import / export from / to a variety of sources (csv, xlsx, json etc).

Can be run programmatically, or with optional integration with the Django Admin site:

.. source of this video uploaded to this issue comment:

Screenshots <>_


  • Import / export via Admin UI Integration <>_ or programmatically <>_
  • Import to and from a variety of file formats (csv, json, xlsx, pandas, HTML, YAML... and anything else that tablib <>_ supports)
  • Preview <>_ data before importing in Admin UI
  • Support for bulk import <>_
  • Handles CRUD (and 'skip') operations during import <>_
  • Flexible handling of foreign key <>_ relationships
  • Many-to-many relationship <>_ support
  • Validation <>_ of imported data
  • Define custom transformations <>_ for exported data
  • Import / export the same model instance as different views <>_
  • Export using natural keys <>__ for portability between environments
  • Select items for export <>_ via the Admin UI object list
  • Select fields for export <>_ via the export form
  • Export single object instances <>_
  • Use django permissions <>_ to control import / export authorization
  • Internationalization support
  • Based on tablib <>__
  • Support for MySQL / PostgreSQL / SQLite
  • Extensible - add custom logic to control import / export <>_
  • Handle import from various character encodings
  • Celery <>_ integration
  • Test locally with Docker <>_
  • Comprehensive documentation <>__
  • Extensible API <>_
  • test coverage :100:
  • Supports dark mode :rocket:

Example use-cases

django-import-export is designed to be extensible and can be used to support a variety of operations. Here are some examples of how it has been used in the wild:

  • Configure external cron jobs to run an import or export at set times
  • Use permissions <>_ to define a subset of users able to import and export project data
  • Safely update project reference data by importing from version controlled csv
  • Create portable data to transfer between environments using natural keys <>_
  • Manage user access to an application by importing externally version controlled auth user lists
  • Add hooks <>_ to anonymize data on export
  • Modify import / export UI forms <>_ to add dynamic filtering on import / export.

Getting started

  • Installation <>_
  • Getting started <>__
  • Example application <>_

Help and support

  • Documentation <>_
  • FAQ <>_
  • Getting help <>_
  • Contributing <>_
  • Become a sponsor <>_
  • Raise a security issue <>_
  • Join our discord <>_

Commercial support

Commercial support is provided by Bellaport Systems Ltd <>_


  • Release notes <>_
  • Changelog <>_
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Django Import Export" Project. README Source: django-import-export/django-import-export

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