Docker Compose Development Versions Save

Clone and `bin/dev up`. Quickly start of developing locally with Nginx, PHP, Blackfire, Percona, Mailhog and Redis. Out of the box support for Magento2 Developer Box


5 years ago
  • Node support via bin/dev node it runs in a isolated container, no php
  • choose your workspace freely, defaults to workspace in repo
  • updated Magento 2 nginx rules
  • fixed wrong mountpoint for local mysql settings
  • updated Mac setup issue
  • removed os specific mount in favor of docker volume
  • listen on all local interfaces for port 443/80 to support ipv6 enabled devices


5 years ago
  • naming was wrong


5 years ago
+ Varnish support
+ Enabling/disabling custom php modules on running containers
* Updated Magento 2 configuration to latest
* tweaks for better passing of parameters
* better support for interactive scripts

Varnish support

We don't support varnish per project, it's a global varnish and you should be aware of that.


  • add your varnish.vcl (bootstrap or working copy) in conf/varnish.vcl
  • dev down && dev up

Longer: (which gives more control)

  • create a conf/varnish.vcl
vcl 4.0;

backend default {
  .host = "web";
  .port = "80";
  • dev down && dev up
  • use dev cp varnishfile.vcl varnish:/
  • dev exec varsnishadm
    • vcl.load myvcl /varnishfile.vcl
    • vcl.use myvcl

Custom commands

Add custom commands to your global stack and run them with dev COMMAND

Copy your custom commands which need PHP for instance to WORKSPACE/bin Give them execute rights and run them with dev COMMAND

It will run in the local version of PHP, so in your PHP project it' use the correct PHP version.


5 years ago

If people probably didn't run setup, ask them and give a hint.


5 years ago
  • updated docs to match .env requirement
  • no more messages if you start a console/mysql/php/magerun/....


5 years ago

Use changephp {phpversion} to change the php version for the current project.


5 years ago

You can use bin/dev setup to do a initial setup.


  • create database volume
  • create random root password for MySQL
  • set systemwide PHP version
  • ask for your domain extension (default .localhost)
  • is fallback compatible with current
  • saves to .env


5 years ago

Instead of domain extension based PHP version you can now change the PHP version by just touching a file on your filesystem. Also closed a few long running issues.

+ zero downtime php version change
* configuration of nginx is way cleaner
* php70 is the default, `touch workspace/.php71` to switch to PHP 7.1
+ commandline commands are also aware of these settings(no need for specific version commands anymore)
* moved some files to build/dist to cleanup root
* fixed several minor issues
+ documentation on ufw xdbug
+ added Imagick to all PHP 7+ php images, `dev update`)


5 years ago


6 years ago

So, Google bought .dev and enabled HSTS

  • removed .dev references
  • added .localhost
  • choose your own via environment variables
  • updated docs