Dockview Save

Zero dependency Docking Layout Manager. Supports Vanilla TypeScript, React and Vue.

Project README


Zero dependency layout manager supporting tabs, groups, grids and splitviews. Supports React, Vue and Vanilla TypeScript

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  • Serialization / deserialization with full layout management
  • Support for split-views, grid-views and 'dockable' views
  • Themeable and customizable
  • Tab and Group docking / Drag n' Drop
  • Popout Windows
  • Floating Groups
  • Extensive API
  • Supports Shadow DOMs
  • High test coverage
  • Documentation website with live examples
  • Transparent builds and Code Analysis
  • Security at mind - verifed publishing and builds through GitHub Actions

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Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Dockview" Project. README Source: mathuo/dockview

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