Dot Path Value Save

Safely get and set deep nested properties using dot notation.

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Safely get and set deep nested properties using dot notation.

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  • TypeScript first 🤙
  • Support arrays
  • Tiny
  • No dependencies
  • Utility types Path and PathValue

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# using npm
npm install dot-path-value
# using pnpm
pnpm install dot-path-value
# using yarn
yarn add dot-path-value


import { getByPath, setByPath } from 'dot-path-value';

const obj = {
  a: {
    b: 'hello',
    d: [
        e: 'world',

// access through object
getByPath(obj, 'a.b'); // outputs 'hello' with type `string`

// access through array
getByPath(obj, 'a.d.0.e'); // outputs 'world' with type `string`
getByPath(obj, 'a.d.0'); // outputs '{ e: 'world' }' with type `{ e: string }`

// also you can pass array as first argument
getByPath([{ a: 1 }], '0.a'); // outputs '1' with type `number`

// typescript errors
getByPath(obj, 'a.b.c'); // `c` property does not exist

// set a property through an object
setByPath(obj, 'a.b', 'hello there');


dot-path-value exports a few types to ensure the type safety:

Type Description
Path<T> converts nested structure T into a string representation of the paths to its properties
PathValue<T, TPath> returns the type of the value at the specified path

Types usage

import { Path, PathValue } from 'dot-path-value';

const obj = {
  a: {
    b: 'hello',
    d: [
        e: 'world',

type Foo = Path<typeof obj>; // 'a.d' | 'a' | 'a.b' | `a.d.${number}` | `a.d.${number}.e`
type Bar = PathValue<typeof obj, 'a.b'>; // 'string'
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Dot Path Value" Project. README Source: g-makarov/dot-path-value
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Last Commit
4 months ago

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