Draqist Blaze Save

This is a project manager X note taker built with Next js, Planetscale and Firebase.

Project README

Blaze is a project developed with NextJs, PlanetScale and Firebase. It's a task manager that doubles as a note taker

To contribute to this project, Kindly follow these steps.

  • Fork the repository At the top right corner, you will see the term "fork". All you need to do is click it and you will have created a copy of the same project in your account.
  • Clone the project into your local machine In order for you to perform this step, you must have Git installed locally in your machine. If you don't, refer to the official Git docs on how to get started. git clone https://github.com/<YourUserName>/blaze
  • CD into the root folder of the project and run yarn or npm install if you use npm.
  • Checkout to a branch with git chechkout -b <branchname>

Note: your branch name must begin with either feat if you're creating a new feature or fix if you're making a fix.


  • git checkout -b featCalendar for a calender feature.

  • git checkout -b fixdeploymenterror for a deployment error fix.

  • Run yarn dev or npm run dev (npm users) to start the project on your local host.

  • Push your changes to your repo.

  • Submit changes If you go to your repository on GitHub and refresh the page, you'll see a Compare and pull request button. Click on that button.

You can also request review to make your changes merged earlier.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Draqist Blaze" Project. README Source: draqist/Blaze
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 year ago

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