Editor.js Versions Save

A block-style editor with clean JSON output


5 months ago
  • Fix — Toolbox wont be shown when Slash pressed along with Shift or Alt
  • Fix — Toolbox will be opened when Slash entered in non-US keyboard layout where there is no physical '/' key.


5 months ago

Slide 16_9 - 14@2x

New Tab bevaviour, Slash as a Toolbox opener, improved Inline Toolbar, updates of navigation and more

💌 Read full changelog


6 months ago
  • Fix — Caret losing on Mobile Devices when adding a block via Toolbox or via Backspace at the beginning of a Block
  • New — Toolbox now will be opened by '/' in empty Block instead of Tab
  • New — Block Tunes now will be opened by 'CMD+/' instead of Tab in non-empty block
  • New — Tab now will navigate through Blocks. In last block Tab will navigate to the next input on page.
  • Improvement — Now you can set focus via arrows/Tab to "contentless" (decorative) blocks like Delimiter which have no inputs.
  • Refactoringce-block--focused class toggling removed as unused.


6 months ago
  • Fix — Inline Toolbar sometimes opened in an incorrect position. Now it will be aligned by the left side of the selected text. And won't overflow the right side of the text column.
  • Fix — Compiler error "This import is never used as a value and must use 'import type'..." fixed


7 months ago

fix: errors caused by events fired while editor is not initialized yet #2532


8 months ago
  • New — Editor Config now has the style.nonce attribute that could be used to allowlist editor style tag for Content Security Policy "style-src"


8 months ago
  • Fix — Editor wrapper element growing on the Inline Toolbar close


8 months ago
  • Fixblocks.render() won't lead the onChange call in Safari


8 months ago
  • Fix — Some Block were be skipped on saving after pasting them as HTML


9 months ago
  • Fix — Layout did not shrink when a large document cleared in Chrome
  • Fix — Multiple Tooltip elements creation fixed
  • Fix — When the focusing Block is out of the viewport, the page will be scrolled.