Eggdrop Scripts Save

A collection of Eggdrop Tcl scripts

Project README

This is a collection of scripts for the Eggdrop IRC bot. Most of them I've written, but some are edited versions of those written by others.


  • bash.tcl - Fetch and output quotes.
  • calc.tcl - Provide !calc calculator function.
  • dictionary.tcl - Make your bot respond to certain words/phrases.
    • This is a heavily modified version of dictionary.tcl 2.7 by perpleXa.
  • horgh_autoop.tcl - Automatically op all users in a channel which is set +horgh_autoop.
  • irb.tcl - Provide access to a Ruby interpreter in a channel. Very unsafe.
  • latoc.tcl - Query Yahoo commodity listings for oil, gold, and silver futures.
  • mysqlquote.tcl - Store and display quotes from a MySQL database.
  • patternban.tcl - Ban people based on patterns. The patterns can be managed through binds.
  • slang.tcl - Fetch and output definitions from
  • userrec.tcl - Provide access to the Eggdrop's user records by telling people in a channel who the bot thinks they are.
  • weather-darksky.tcl - Look up weather from Dark Sky.
  • wiki.tcl - Fetch and output synopses from

Note some of these scripts may not work. Sometimes the APIs or webpages they scrape go away or change and I might not use them any more and not notice. If one doesn't work, please let me know, and I'll try to fix it (or send me a pull request!). If it can't be fixed (or I don't want to for some reason), it will be moved into the deprecated directory.

You might also be interested in my Irssi scripts and my Irssi Tcl scripts.


All scripts written by me in this repository are Public domain. Those not written by me (even if edited) are under whatever license specified by their authors.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Eggdrop Scripts" Project. README Source: horgh/eggdrop-scripts
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2 years ago

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