Elm Vega Versions Save

Elm - Vega Integration for functional declarative visualization


3 years ago

Minor patch updating dependencies.


3 years ago

Minor release to support Vega 5.16 with new non-overlapping label placement.


  • trLabel and associated methods lbAnchor, lbAvoidMarks, lbAvoidBaseMark, lbLineAnchor, lbMarkIndex, lbMethod, lbOffset, lbPadding, lbSort and lbAs for non-overlapping label placement (Vega 5.16).

Other changes

  • Switch iris examples to penguin examples in test gallery.
  • Add calendar example to test gallery.


3 years ago

Patch release that uses main rather than master GitHub branch. See github.com/github/renaming


3 years ago

Minor release exposing convenience functions and internal refactoring to align with Vega 5.15.

V5.6 Additions

  • blendModeValue convenience function for typesafe blend mode specification.
  • strList for mixed string lists (e.g. string literals and signals).

V5.6 Bug Fixes

  • cuNWSEResize now specifies the correct resizing cursor.


3 years ago

Patch release with updated data sources and bug fix for empty mark property lists

Bug Fixes

  • Empty mark properties now generate null values rather than empty objects for schema compatibility.

Other changes

  • Use versioned Vega data sets for examples and tests.

  • Replaced iris with penguin dataset in examples.


4 years ago

Minor release supporting versions up to and including Vega 5.13.x


  • cfeGlobalCursor for setting global or local cursor properties (V5.13)

  • cfLocale and associated properties loDecimal, loThousands, loGrouping, loCurrency, loNumerals, loPercent, loMinus, loNan, loDateTime, loDate, loTime, loPeriods, loDays, loShortDays, loMonths and loShortMonths for specifying locales (V5.12).

  • dayOfYear time unit (V5.11).
  • axDomainCap, axGridCap and axTickCap with convenience function strokeCapStr for axis line cap styling (V5.11).
  • axAria, leAria, mAria with associated properties arEnable, arDisable and arDescription for setting ARIA support on a per axis/legend/mark basis (V5.11).
  • tiAria for setting/unsetting ARIA description from title (V5.11).
  • maBlend and associated convenience methods bmLighten, bmDarken etc.) for setting the blend mode for overlaying drawing (V5.10).
  • vaLineTop and vaLineBottom for vertical alignment relative to line height (V5.10).
  • axLabelLineHeight for multi-lined or line-aligned axis labels (V5.10).
  • axLabelOffset for displacing axis labels relative to tick marks (V5.10).
  • widthSignal, heightSignal and paddingSignal to allow dimensions and padding to be specified via signal expressions that are used as the update property (V5.10).
  • cfPadding, cfPaddings and cfPaddingSignal for configuring default padding (V5.10).
  • cfWidth, cfWidthSignal, cfHeight and cfHeightSignal for configuring default dimensions (V5.10).
  • cfDescription for configuring default ARIA-friendly description for visualizations (V5.10).
  • cfLineBreak for setting default line break character(s) (V5.10).
  • opProduct for aggregation of numeric values by their product (V5.10).


4 years ago

Minor release supporting Vega releases 5.8 and 5.9.


New transforms

  • trTimeUnit transform and associated time binning parameterisation functions tbUnits, tbStep, tbTimezone, tzLocal, tzUtc, tzSignal, tbInterval, tbExtent, dtMillis, dtExpr, tbMaxBins, tbSignal, and tbAs.
  • quarter and date added as time units.
  • trKde2d two-dimensional (raster) density estimation transform and its associated parameterisation functions kd2Weight, kd2CellSize, kd2Bandwidth, kd2Counts and kd2As.
  • trIsocontour transform and associated property functions icField, icThresholds, icLevels, icNice, icResolve, icZero, icSmooth, icScale icTranslate and icAs for more flexible contouring.
  • trHeatmap transform and associated property functions hmField, hmColor, hmOpacity, hmResolve and hmAs
  • trFlattenWithIndex and trFlattenWithIndexAs for nested array flattening that output the array index of flattened data.

New properties

  • axTickBand for aligning ticks on band scales (Vega 5.8).
  • axTranslate for moving axes relative to main plot area (Vega 5.8).
  • axFormatAsTemporalUtc for UTC formatting (Vega 5.8).
  • leFormatAsTemporalUtc for UTC formatting (Vega 5.8).
  • bnInterval for specifying whether or not both bin boundaries are output in bin transform (Vega 5.8).
  • maCornerRadiusTopLeft, maCornerRadiusTopRight, maCornerRadiusBottomLeft and maCornerRadiusBottomRight for use with rect and group marks (Vega 5.8).
  • maScaleX and maScaleY to path mark properties (maAngle for path marks now rotates path although no changes to API) (Vega 5.8).
  • maSmooth added to image mark properties (Vega 5.8).
  • maImage for dynamically created image marks added to image mark properties (Vega 5.8).
  • maStrokeForeground for overlaying group stroke over content (Vega 5.9).
  • maStrokeOffset for shifting group stroke and fill (Vega 5.9).
  • mollweide map projection (Vega 5.9).
  • inLabels for providing input element labels that may differ from their option values (Vega 5.9).

Bug Fixes

  • correct tiFrame output that was previously generating 'fame' output.


  • trContour and its associated cn property functions are now deprecated in favour of trIsocontour (Vega 5.8)

Other Changes

  • Additional tests and gallery examples to reflect new additions.
  • Internal refactoring of time unit handling.


4 years ago

Minor release supporting Vega 5.7.


  • Multi-line titles and spacing (tiLineHeight, axTitleLineHeight, leTitleLineHeight).
  • Subtitles and associated customisation (tiSubtitle, tiSubtitleColor, tiSubtitleFont, tiSubtitleFontSize, tiSubtitleFontStyle, tiSubtitleFontWeight, tiSubtitleLineHeight and tiSubtitlePadding).
  • tiEncodeElements and associated teTitle, teSubtitle and teGroup for dynamic customization of title elements.
  • maLineBreak and maLineHeight for multi-line text marks.
  • Legend symbol limit (leSymbolLimit).
  • trDotBin transform and associated property functions (dbroupBy, dbStep, dbSmooth, dbSignal, dbAs) for dotplot binning.
  • trQuantile transform and associated property functions (quGroupBy, quProbs, quStep, quAs) for quantile generation.


  • tiEncode deprecated in favour of tiEncodeElements.

Other Changes

  • Restructured API documentation to use better thematic grouping of functions with tables of contents.
  • Documentation indicates titles can span multiple lines via a strs array.
  • Some additions to the test gallery for new distribution transformations (dotplot, quantile plot).


4 years ago

Minor release supporting Vega 5.6 and adding some previously missing functions.


  • kdResolve and associated reShared and reIndependent functions for resolving multiple densities in a KDE transform.
  • bnSpan for setting the span over which bins are calculated.
  • equalEarth core map projection added.
  • identityProjection and associated reflectX and reflectY map projection functions added.
  • leBorderStrokeDash for configuring legend border dash style.
  • cfSignals for supporting configuration signals (Vega 5.5).
  • cfEventHandling and associated cfe functions for more flexible Vega 5.5 event configuration.
  • description top-level metadata option (previously inadvertently hidden).
  • userMeta top-level custom metadata options.


  • cfEvents deprecated in favour of cfEventHandling [cfeDefaults ...]

Bug Fixes

  • cfGroup mark properties now correctly creates literals rather than objects (e.g. "fill": "#eee" rather than "fill":{"value":"#eee"}).

Other Changes

  • Minor improvements to the API documentation.
  • Update examples to use Vega-embed 5 and Vega 5.5 runtimes
  • Minor additions to tests.


5 years ago

Updates to align with Vega 5.4.


  • top level legend positioning with leX and leY.
  • interior and exterior filtering of topoJson meshes (topojsonMeshInterior and topojsonMeshExterior)
  • dnMinSteps and dnMaxSteps added to trDensity options
  • new trKde transform for 1-d KDE from a distribution.
  • new trRegression transformation function.
  • new trLoess locally estimated regression function
  • new vGradient and vGradientScale functions for setting gradient fills/strokes.
  • previous and next value window value operations (woPrevValue and woNextValue)
  • arrow file format indicator (arrow) for loading binary apache arrow files.

Documentation / Asset Changes

  • Regression examples added to gallery
  • Tests for new functions