Emacs Exwm Exwm Save

Emacs X Window Manager

Project README

Emacs X Window Manager

EXWM (Emacs X Window Manager) is a full-featured tiling X window manager for Emacs built on top of XELB.

It features:

  • Fully keyboard-driven operations
  • Hybrid layout modes (tiling & stacking)
  • Dynamic workspace support
  • ICCCM/EWMH compliance

Optional features:

  • RandR (multi-monitor) support
  • System tray
  • Input method
  • Background setting support
  • XSETTINGS server

Please check out the screenshots to get an overview of what EXWM is capable of, and the user guide for installation instructions and a detailed explanation of its usage.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Emacs Exwm Exwm" Project. README Source: emacs-exwm/exwm
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 week ago

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