Eris Save

A NodeJS Discord library

Project README

Eris NPM version

A Node.js wrapper for interfacing with Discord.


You will need NodeJS 10.4+. If you need voice support you will also need Python 2.7 and a C++ compiler. Refer to the Getting Started section of the docs for more details.

npm install --no-optional eris

If you need voice support, remove the --no-optional.

Ping Pong Example

const Eris = require("eris");

// Replace TOKEN with your bot account's token
const bot = new Eris("Bot TOKEN", {
    intents: [

bot.on("ready", () => { // When the bot is ready
    console.log("Ready!"); // Log "Ready!"

bot.on("error", (err) => {
  console.error(err); // or your preferred logger

bot.on("messageCreate", (msg) => { // When a message is created
    if(msg.content === "!ping") { // If the message content is "!ping"
        bot.createMessage(, "Pong!");
        // Send a message in the same channel with "Pong!"
    } else if(msg.content === "!pong") { // Otherwise, if the message is "!pong"
        bot.createMessage(, "Ping!");
        // Respond with "Ping!"

bot.connect(); // Get the bot to connect to Discord

More examples can be found in the examples folder.


Refer to the LICENSE file.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Eris" Project. README Source: abalabahaha/eris
Open Issues
Last Commit
2 weeks ago

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