Evolutility Ui React Versions Save

Framework for building CRUD UIs for Hasura GraphQL with models rather than code.


7 months ago
  • Moved from REST to GraphQL (using Hasura).
  • New views: Overview and Activity.
  • Stats view redesign.
  • Added Typeahead for object lookups.
  • Better accessibility support.
  • Getting list for dropdown from server if not provided in model.
  • Misc UX and UI improvements.
  • Better performances w/ caching and memoization.
  • Removed dependency to Bootstrap-sass and gulp.
  • Added unit tests.


1 year ago
  • Bug fixes.
  • Layout improvements.
  • Re-styled validation message for invalid field value.
  • New Collection prop "hideIfEmpty" to hide a collection when it is empty.


1 year ago

New Features:

  • Added History (Activity) tracking (in localStorage).
  • Added Designer page.
  • Added "titleFunction" prop to Object.
  • Added "showTotal" prop (default true) to ChartTable.
  • i18n: Using separate files for different languages (only English right now).
  • Edits to metadata definition (not fully implemented yet).

Retired or Disabled Features:

  • Temporarily commented out Field type "MultiSelect".
  • Temporarily disabled Charts.
  • Retired "API Doc" view.

Look improvements:

  • SideNav is now Blue.
  • Rounded corners to Panels and Buttons.
  • Tooltip for fields help.

Dependencies changes:

  • Evolutility routes in a separate file.
  • Tooltips w/ rc-tooltip. -Replaced (partially) glyph-icon by react-crud-icons.
  • Dependencies updates.


2 years ago
  • GraphQL support
  • UI improvements


3 years ago
  • UI Improvements.
  • Dependencies upgrade.


3 years ago
  • Misc. UI Improvements.
  • Dependencies upgrade.


4 years ago

Minor improvements.


4 years ago

Charts improvements.


4 years ago
  • Now using nivo responsivePie and responsiveBars for charts.
  • Layout improvements.


5 years ago

New demo "Music" w/ Artists, Albums, and Tracks.

UI changes:

  • Added Search (still needs work).
  • Locale Formatting for Date, time, and date-time (contribution from @david-pfx).
  • Charts table: added sorting, % column, and total row.
  • Right align numeric fields in list view.

Metamodel changes:

  • camelCase property names.
  • New model prop "defaultViewOne"
  • New panels and collections props ""header" and "footer".
  • Collections fields can now be objects or ids.