Exoplanet Versions Save

Fast & scalable MCMC for all your exoplanet needs!


3 years ago
  • Adds faster solver for Kepler's equation
  • Improves automation of documentation and release process
  • Removes most C++ Ops and replaces them with pre-compiled functions which allows the distribution of binary wheels
  • Removes gp submodule; moved to new celerite2 package
  • Deprecates some non-exoplanet-specific functions and distributions; moved to pymc3-ext package


3 years ago

Release candidate for the v0.4 series


3 years ago
  • Fixes compatibility with PyMC3 version 3.9


4 years ago
  • Fixes a documentation bug introduced in v0.3.1


4 years ago
  • Adds support for light travel time when computing positions in Keplerian orbits
  • Adds SecondaryEclipseLightCurve for modeling eclipsing binaries
  • Adds UnitDisk distribution for fitting eccentricity vectors


4 years ago
  • Adds tests and support for Windows
  • Adds a "Jacobian" interface to the orbit objects for reparameterization


4 years ago
  • Adds support for fitting circular orbits with duration
  • Adds a bls_estimator for transit search using Astropy's BoxLeastSquares


4 years ago

0.2.5 (2020-03-11) ++++++++++++++++++

  • Improves infrastructure for generating documentation
  • Adds an EclipsingBinaryLightCurve for building binary star models
  • Adds DensityDist implementation for celerite GP likelihoods


4 years ago
  • Makes rebound an optional dependency


4 years ago
  • Adds ConditionalMeanOp and DotLOp for scalable conditional mean calculation and prior sampling with celerite
  • Adds developer documentation
  • Moves documentation to a separate repository