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? Bringing pjreddie's DarkNet out of the shadows #yolo

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LightNet: Bringing pjreddie's DarkNet out of the shadows

LightNet provides a simple and efficient Python interface to DarkNet <https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet>, a neural network library written by Joseph Redmon that's well known for its state-of-the-art object detection models, YOLO and YOLOv2 <https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/>. LightNet's main purpose for now is to power Prodigy <https://prodi.gy>_'s upcoming object detection and image segmentation features. However, it may be useful to anyone interested in the DarkNet library.

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LightNet's features include:

  • State-of-the-art object detection: YOLOv2 offers unmatched speed/accuracy trade-offs.
  • Easy-to-use via Python: Pass in byte strings, get back numpy arrays with bounding boxes.
  • Lightweight and self-contained: No dependency on large frameworks like Tensorflow, PyTorch etc. The DarkNet source is provided in the package.
  • Easy to install: Just pip install lightnet and python -m lightnet download yolo.
  • Cross-platform: Works on OSX and Linux, on Python 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6.
  • 10x faster on CPU: Uses BLAS for its matrix multiplications routines.
  • Not named DarkNet: Avoids some potentially awkward misunderstandings.

.. image:: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13643239/33104476-a31678ce-cf28-11e7-993f-872f3234f4b5.png :alt: LightNet "logo"

? Installation

==================== === Operating system macOS / OS X, Linux (Windows coming soon) Python version CPython 2.7, 3.5, 3.6. Only 64 bit. Package managers pip (source packages only) ==================== ===

LightNet requires an installation of OpenBLAS <https://www.openblas.net/>_:

.. code:: bash

sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev

LightNet can be installed via pip:

.. code:: bash

pip install lightnet

Once you've downloaded LightNet, you can install a model using the lightnet download command. This will save the models in the lightnet/data directory. If you've installed LightNet system-wide, make sure to run the command as administrator.

.. code:: bash

python -m lightnet download tiny-yolo
python -m lightnet download yolo

The following models are currently available via the download command:

===================== ======= === yolo.weights 258 MB Direct download__ tiny-yolo.weights 44.9 MB Direct download__ ===================== ======= ===

__ https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolo.weights __ https://pjreddie.com/media/files/tiny-yolo.weights

? Usage

An object detection system predicts labelled bounding boxes on an image. The label scheme comes from the training data, so different models will have different label sets. YOLOv2 <https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/>_ can detect objects in images of any resolution. Smaller images will be faster to predict, while high resolution images will give you better object detection accuracy.

Images can be loaded by file-path, by JPEG-encoded byte-string, or by numpy array. If passing in a numpy array, it should be of dtype float32, and shape (width, height, colors).

.. code:: python

import lightnet

model = lightnet.load('tiny-yolo')
image = lightnet.Image.from_bytes(open('eagle.jpg', 'rb').read())
boxes = model(image)

METHOD lightnet.load

Load a pre-trained model. If a path is provided, it shoud be a directory containing two files, named {name}.weights and {name}.cfg. If a path is not provided, the built-in data directory is used, which is located within the LightNet package.

.. code:: python

model = lightnet.load('tiny-yolo')
model = lightnet.load(path='/path/to/yolo')

=========== =========== =========== Argument Type Description =========== =========== =========== name unicode Name of the model located in the data directory, e.g. tiny-yolo. path unicode Optional path to a model data directory. RETURNS Network The loaded model. =========== =========== ===========

? Network

The neural network object. Wraps DarkNet's network struct.

CLASSMETHOD Network.load

Load a pre-trained model. Identical to lightnet.load().

METHOD Network.call

Detect bounding boxes given an Image object. The bounding boxes are provided as a list, with each entry (class_id, class_name, prob, [(x, y, width, height)]), where x and y``` are the pixel coordinates of the center of the centre of the box, and widthandheightdescribe its dimensions.class_idis the integer index of the object type, class_name is a string with the object type, andprobis a float indicating the detection score. Thethreshparameter controls the prediction threshold. Objects with a detection probability abovethreshare returned. We don't know whathier_threshornms`` do.

.. code:: python

boxes = model(image, thresh=0.5, hier_thresh=0.5, nms=0.45)

=============== =========== =========== Argument Type Description =============== =========== =========== image Image The image to process. thresh float Prediction threshold. hier_thresh float path unicode Optional path to a model data directory. RETURNS list The bounding boxes, as (class_id, class_name, prob, xywh) tuples. =============== =========== ===========

METHOD Network.update

Update the model, on a batch of examples. The images should be provided as a list of Image objects. The box_labels should be a list of BoxLabel objects. Returns a float, indicating how much the models prediction differed from the provided true labels.

.. code:: python

loss = model.update([image1, image2], [box_labels1, box_labels2])

============== =========== =========== Argument Type Description ============== =========== =========== images list List of Image objects. box_labels list List of BoxLabel objects. RETURNS float The loss indicating how much the prediction differed from the provided labels. ============== =========== ===========

? Image

Data container for a single image. Wraps DarkNet's image struct.

METHOD Image.init

Create an image. data should be a numpy array of dtype float32, and shape (width, height, colors).

.. code:: python

image = Image(data)

=========== =========== =========== Argument Type Description =========== =========== =========== data numpy array The image data RETURNS Image The newly constructed object. =========== =========== ===========


Create a blank image, of specified dimensions.

.. code:: python

image = Image.blank(width, height, colors)

=========== =========== =========== Argument Type Description =========== =========== =========== width int The image width, in pixels. height int The image height, in pixels. colors int The number of color channels (usually 3). RETURNS Image The newly constructed object. =========== =========== ===========


Load an image from a path to a jpeg file, of the specified dimensions.

.. code:: python

image = Image.load(path, width, height, colors)

=========== =========== =========== Argument Type Description =========== =========== =========== path unicode The path to the image file. width int The image width, in pixels. height int The image height, in pixels. colors int The number of color channels (usually 3). RETURNS Image The newly constructed object. =========== =========== ===========

CLASSMETHOD Image.from_bytes

Read an image from a byte-string, which should be the contents of a jpeg file.

.. code:: python

image = Image.from_bytes(bytes_data)

============== =========== =========== Argument Type Description ============== =========== =========== bytes_data bytes The image contents. RETURNS Image The newly constructed object. ============== =========== ===========

? BoxLabels

Data container for labelled bounding boxes for a single image. Wraps an array of DarkNet's box_label struct.

METHOD BoxLabels.init

Labelled box annotations for a single image, used to update the model. ids should be a 1d numpy array of dtype int32, indicating the correct class IDs of the objects. boxes should be a 2d array of dtype float32, and shape (len(ids), 4). The 4 columns of the boxes should provide the relative x, y, width, height of the bounding box, where x and y are the coordinates of the centre, relative to the image size, and width and height are the relative dimensions of the box.

.. code:: python

box_labels = BoxLabels(ids, boxes)

============== ============= =========== Argument Type Description ============== ============= =========== ids numpy array The class IDs of the objects. boxes numpy array The boxes providing the relative x, y, width, height of the bounding box. RETURNS BoxLabels The newly constructed object. ============== ============= ===========

CLASSMETHOD BoxLabels.load

Load annotations for a single image from a text file. Each box should be described on a single line, in the format class_id x y width height.

.. code:: python

box_labels = BoxLabels.load(path)

============== ============= =========== Argument Type Description ============== ============= =========== path unicode The path to load from. RETURNS BoxLabels The newly constructed object. ============== ============= ===========

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