Ezyfox Server Flutter Client Save

a flutter socket client sdk for ezyfox-server

Project README


flutter client for ezyfox server


Official documentation



  1. Download and install JDK 8
  2. Download and install Android Studio
  3. Download and install Xcode
  4. Download and install Intellij and Flutter plugin
  5. Download and install Flutter SDK

How to test?

1. Clone source code

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/youngmonkeys/ezyfox-server-flutter-client.git ezyfox_server_flutter_client

2. Import source code

You need import ezyfox_server_flutter_client/example to your IDEs

  • To IntelliJ IDE: for all
  • To Xcode: for iOS
  • To Android studio: for Android

3. You can run

  • main.dart on Intellij
  • Build and Run on Xcode for iOS, don't for get run pod install
  • Build and run on Android Studio for Android

4. Where need I click?

  • Tap to plus button in bottom right corner
  • When you see Greet Flutter's developer!, congratulation, you've just run and connect to server successfully

Contact us

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Ezyfox Server Flutter Client" Project. README Source: youngmonkeys/ezyfox-server-flutter-client
Open Issues
Last Commit
6 months ago

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