Fable Versions Save

F# to JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Rust and Dart Compiler


1 year ago
  • Fix #3371: Copying struct records
  • Php: Improve output @entropitor
  • Rust: string improvements
  • TypeScript: Fix applicative tests


1 year ago
  • Fable JS stable release


1 year ago
  • When using a .csproj, make sure the project is restored before parsing
  • Rust, added Stack, Queue


1 year ago
  • Use TargetFramework from .fsproj and ask users to upgrade from netstandard2.0 if necessary
  • Update FCS (F# 7)
  • Python, handling static getters
  • Rust, fix deprecated API


1 year ago
  • Attempt to improve project parsing
  • Added Double.Pow static


1 year ago
  • JS, enable calls with importValueDynamic
  • JS, Support System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke
  • Rust, Added feature for func_type_enum
  • Rust, Added Func type wrappers (#3250)


1 year ago
  • Try to fix #3244 (cannot parse .fsproj)
  • Rust, added small string type
  • Python, fix byte array tying issue
  • JS, don't mangle idents from imports in emitted code
  • JS, optimize some array transforms


1 year ago
  • Python, add read/write files
  • Python, fix URI and number types
  • JS, allow imports in emit expressions and JSX
  • JS, improve import path resolution (interpolation, inlined functions)
  • TypeScript, fix arithmetic tests


1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/fable-compiler/Fable/compare/4.0.0-theta-009...4.0.0-theta-010


1 year ago
  • Add language status to version
  • Make --runScript compatible with Python, Rust and Dart
  • Update F# compiler
  • Compile as net6 binary
  • TypeScript, type-safe union types and other fixes