Facebook Ads Reporting Google Apps Script Save

This script pushes Facebook Ads data to Google Sheets.

Project README

Exporting Facebook Ads data to Google Sheets

This script was built to export Facebook Ads data to Google Sheets on a recurring basis for use in a dashboard.

In order to bypass limits around the amount of data that can be processed by the Facebook Marketing API and Google App Script's 6 minute runtime maximum, the script makes asynchronous requests to the Facebook Marketing API.


You'll first want to create a Facebook App and add the Marketing API product to it.

You can then get a short-lived user access token through the Graph API Explorer.

If you're going to be using this script on an ongoing basis, I recommend you exchange your short-lived token for a long-lived one using this method.

Once you've entered your credentials as well as all parameters, you'll want to make sure that request-facebook-report.js is scheduled to run before get-facebook-report.js.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Facebook Ads Reporting Google Apps Script" Project. README Source: fredericharnois/facebook-ads-reporting-google-apps-script
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Last Commit
2 years ago

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