Family Connectkit Versions Save

Connecting a wallet, made simple.


2 weeks ago

ConnectKit Update 1.8.2

This update includes improvements to the CoinbaseWalletSDK connect popup and MockConnector.


  • CoinbaseWalletSDK connect popup now works on first interaction.
  • MockConnector now working as intended.


2 weeks ago

ConnectKit Update 1.8.1

This update adds additional localisations, and improves the stability of Coinbase Wallet and MetaMask connections.


  • Localisations for Vietnamese, Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Russian, Estonian and Catalan.


  • CoinbaseWalletSDK connect popup being blocked on iOS Safari.
  • Revert back to using MetaMaskSDK for MetaMask connections.
  • Desktop deeplinking for LedgerLive.


4 weeks ago

ConnectKit Update 1.8.0

This update adds support for Coinbase Smart Wallet, adds additional support for the latest versions of peer dependencies wagmi and viem, and removes the dependency ethers from connectkit-next-siwe in favor of viem's SIWE implementation.



  • Changed default setting for enforceSupportedChains to false to allow for a better default user and developer experience.
  • Updates peer dependency viem to >=2.13.x.



3 months ago

ConnectKit Update 1.7.3

This update fixes a few bugs and improves the stability of the QR code generation for WalletConnect and Coinbase Wallet.


  • ENS resolution when mainnet not found in createConfig.
  • WalletConnectConnector regenerates QR codes when a user disconnects and attempts to reconnect their wallet.
  • CoinbaseConnector generated QR code now using a better supported URI.
  • Configured projectId now being passed to the WalletConnectConnector when opening "More" UI in mobile view.


  • References to WalletConnectLegacy (WalletConnect v1).


4 months ago

ConnectKit Update 1.7.2

This update fixes an issue with the order of React Hooks, and improves the stability of the SIWE Provider.


  • Remove initialData from useQuery Hooks.


  • Fix order of Hooks in useChainIsSupported.


4 months ago

ConnectKit Update 1.7.1

This update fixes a bug where the chain was incorrectly detected as unsupported when only one chain is configured.


  • Switch to using wagmi storage for detecting the last used connector ID.
  • Filter out duplicate connectors from the list of available connectors.
  • More defined overflow divider for the connector list.


  • Chain being incorrectly detected as unsupported when only one chain is configured.
  • Ability to override the "Other Wallets" button text.
  • SIWE Provider stability and returned types when returning nonce and session from the server.


5 months ago

ConnectKit Update 1.7.0

This update moves peer dependencies wagmi and viem up to their latest versions.


This version of ConnectKit has breaking changes. Make sure your application is compatible by following the ConnectKit migration guide, and the wagmi 2.x migration guide.


  • Updates peer dependency wagmi to 2.x.
  • Updates peer dependency viem to 2.x.
  • New peer dependency @tanstack/react-query.


  • Removes dependency mipd.


5 months ago

ConnectKit Update 1.6.0

This update adds EIP-6963 support for enhanced wallet discovery and improves the functionality and developer experience of using ConnectKit.


  • Support for EIP-6963.
    • Includes dependency mipd for EIP-6963 TypeScript utilities, built by the team at wevm (creators of wagmi and viem).
  • Added Zerion extension support.


  • Hide SIWE tooltip when using hideTooltips option.


9 months ago

ConnectKit Update 1.5.3

This update adds branding support for additional detectable injected connectors and improves the functionality and developer experience of using ConnectKit.


  • Rainbow extension support.
  • Exports defaultConnectors


  • Added name in header for injected wallet when detected by wagmi.


  • Fixed UI overflow in switch network tab.
  • Fixed text overlap in switch network buttons.
  • Provide exports.types in package.json


10 months ago

ConnectKit Update 1.5.2

This update addresses a few bugs and improves the overall experience of ConnectKit.


  • Added wcm-modal tag to css variable override.
  • Fixed flash of unstyled content on the <ChainIcon> component.
  • Fixed bug where the modal wouldn't open if the configuration didn't include the InjectedConnector.