FancyHolograms Versions Save

FancyHolograms is a simple, lightweight and fast hologram plugin using display entities


3 weeks ago
  • Major performance improvements
  • Added persistent flag
  • Fixed holograms not disappearing when removing
  • API changes

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


1 month ago


  • Added support for 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
  • Certain commands can now be run via console
  • Included sources and javadoc to API module
  • Added support for "see through" (text holograms only)
  • Added 3-axis support for scale command
  • The copy subcommand now maintains yaw and pitch


Full Changelog:


4 months ago
  • Fixed remove subcommand
  • Run version checks async
  • Fixed a bug with visibility range
  • Add permission to hide holograms
  • Don't allow dots in name


5 months ago
  • Added 'save_on_changed' config option: holograms will be saved after modifying it
  • Improved shown state for players
  • Showing and hiding is now done completely async
  • Other performance improvements
  • Fixed default visibility distance
  • Fixed yaw in moveTo command


6 months ago
  • Added support for 1.20.4 🎉
  • Added info command
  • Added support for legacy colors (&c &4 &n etc.)


7 months ago

Item & Block Holograms

I'm happy to introduce item and block holograms in FancyHolograms 2.0.3 - one most requested feature since the first version.

Until now you could only create text holograms with FancyHolograms, but starting with v2.0.3 you are also able to create holograms with a different type.

How to create item & block holograms? The create commands has changed a little bit: /hologram create (text|block|item) (hologram name) Each hologram and only be of one type: text, block or item. You can not have items inside a text hologram (but you can create two holograms and move the item hologram over the text hologram).

How to modify item and block holograms? There are two new commands:

/hologram edit (hologram) item (execute this command while holding an item of your choice in your main hand.)

/hologram edit (hologram) block (block type)

Billboard, scale, rotation etc.

You are able to change the billboard, scale, position, shadow and rotaion of all hologram types (text, item and block)

How to migrate from a older version of FancyHolograms?

  1. stop the server
  2. take a backup of your server and FancyHolograms folder
  3. replace the old FancyHolograms jar with the new one
  4. start the server
  5. done!

If there are any problems with migrating, please let me know (disc: "real_oliver").

I hope you will enjoy the new big feature! I can't wait to see what you are going to do with the new hologram types.



8 months ago
  • Added rotatepitch subcommand
  • Added moveHere subcommand
  • Added pagination for /hologram list
  • Added per-hologram visibility distance
  • Fixed issues with 1.19.4
  • Fixed linking with npc
  • Fixed some scale issues
  • Fixed a tab completion bug
  • .


10 months ago
  • Fixed deleted holograms not being removed from config
  • Added "/fholo" as alias for "/hologram"
  • Sort holograms by name in config
  • Many bug fixes ...

Full Changelog:


1 year ago


Version Implementations

FancyHolograms is now compatible with multiple versions in one jar!

Currently the following versions are supported:

  • 1.19.4
  • 1.20
  • 1.20.1


  • Text alignment command - You can now change how the text should be aligned (left, center, right)
  • Full Documentation
    • All exposed classes are now fully documented.
  • Data Decoupling
    • All data for the hologram is now decoupled from the hologram and its implementations
    • Data can be updated without directly modifying the hologram entity
  • Simplified Modification Process
    • Data modifications on the hologram now happen in steps
      • update hologram data
      • update hologram
      • push changes to players
  • Enhanced Eventing
    • The hologram update event now exposes both old and new data
    • Hologram events
      • HologramCreateEvent -> HologramCreateEvent
      • HologramRemoveEvent -> HologramDeleteEvent
      • HologramModifyEvent -> HologramUpdateEvent
      • HologramSpawnEvent -> HologramShowEvent
      • +HologramHideEvent
  • Hologram Data
    • Background Color
      • Now accepts hex color codes
      • Now accepts reset or default to return to the original background color
    • Text Update Interval
      • Now accepts never or off or none to disable updating
      • Now accepts second and minute units, ex. 10s instead of 200
    • Hologram Position
      • Now accepts relative coordinates
        • Can be relative to the hologram's current location using ~
        • Can be relative to the player's current location using ~~
  • Command Completions
    • Intelligently suggests only relevant options

There might accure errors while updating from a previous version and you might have to remake all holograms.

If you found any bug, please report them (create an issue or go to the discord server).

Thank you Sxtanna for putting so much effort into this!


1 year ago

Hey everyone,

@Sxtanna basically rewrote the whole plugin to support multiple versions and also added a buch of other enhancements.


Version Implementations

  • 1.19.4
  • 1.20 & 1.20.1


  • Full Documentation
    • All exposed classes are now fully documented.
  • Data Decoupling
    • All data for the hologram is now decoupled from the hologram and its implementations
    • Data can be updated without directly modifying the hologram entity
  • Simplified Modification Process
    • Data modifications on the hologram now happen in steps
      • update hologram data
      • update hologram
      • push changes to players
  • Enhanced Eventing
    • The hologram update event now exposes both old and new data
    • Hologram events
      • HologramCreateEvent -> HologramCreateEvent
      • HologramRemoveEvent -> HologramDeleteEvent
      • HologramModifyEvent -> HologramUpdateEvent
      • HologramSpawnEvent -> HologramShowEvent
      • +HologramHideEvent
  • Hologram Data
    • Background Color
      • Now accepts hex color codes
      • Now accepts reset or default to return to the original background color
    • Text Update Interval
      • Now accepts never or off or none to disable updating
      • Now accepts second and minute units, ex. 10s instead of 200
    • Hologram Position
      • Now accepts relative coordinates
        • Can be relative to the hologram's current location using ~
        • Can be relative to the player's current location using ~~
  • Command Completions
    • Intelligently suggests only relevant options

If you found any bug, please report them (create an issue or go to the discord server).

Thank you Sxtanna for putting so much effort into this!