Fastify Vite Versions Save

Fastify plugin for Vite integration.


4 months ago

This release removes the accidental inclusion of optionalDependencies in package.json.

They are only used in development for PNPM workspaces to work.


4 months ago

This release includes an experimental implementation of server actions.

Read all about it here:


4 months ago

This release introduces the config.prepareServer(server) and route.configure(server) hooks.

A link to a blog post covering this feature will be added shortly.


4 months ago

This release contains a critical fix for Windows:

And a fix for a bug when attempting graceful shutdown:

Hat off to Shyam-Chen and matt-smarsh.


4 months ago

This patch release contains a fix for a syntax error in the root.vue virtual module.

As both starter templates include their own root.vue with correct syntax, this bug went unnoticed for a bit.

You can now also export mount from root.vue to determine where to mount the Vue application:

export { default } from '/:router.vue'

// This is what's pased to Vue's mount() method
export const mount = '#root'

export function configure ({ app, router }) {
  // Use this to configure/extend your Vue app and router instance


4 months ago

This contains a patch for a bug some users reported where not all CSS imports would be loaded client-side.

Also peerDependencies has been removed from package.json.


4 months ago

This release removes peerDependencies from package.json as it was causing trouble for many users.


4 months ago

This release fixes a bug previously preventing getData() and getMeta() to run in route query updates.

Also peerDependencies have been removed from package.json, once and for all.


4 months ago

This is mostly a maintenance release to support @fastify/vite v6.


All starter templates now come with Tailwind + CSS Nesting enabled by default.

I personally prefer unocss, but a run-of-the-mill Tailwind setup stands to benefit the most users.


4 months ago

This is mostly a maintenance release to support @fastify/vite v6.


  • New /:router.vue virtual module to accommodate <router-view> isolatedly.
  • The /:root.vue virtual module can now export configure({ app, router }) for extending your Vue a Vue Router instances:

Both the vue-base and vue-kitchensink starter templates now come with root.vue defined as follows:

export { default } from '/:router.vue'

export function configure ({ app, router }) {
  // Use this to configure/extend your Vue app and router instance


All starter templates now come with Tailwind + CSS Nesting enabled by default.

I personally prefer unocss, but a run-of-the-mill Tailwind setup stands to benefit the most users.