FH Cheat Save Abandoned

Forza Horizon 4 private cheat

Project README

Forza Horizon 4 Cheat made by BraVera

This software is made for educational purposes only!

Cheat Status: UNDETECTED


  • Super Acceleration

  • Super Brakes

  • Jump

  • Freeze Opponents

  • Opponents Spinout

  • Save/Load Position X3 (Teleport)

  • Set Credits

How to use?

  • Turn off Windows Defender RT Protection (Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GgtAxWxhMQ)

  • Download files from this repository (Click Code > Download ZIP / Or download from Releases)

  • Open FHLaunch.bat

  • Open the game and press F11

  • Enjoy the results and make sure to ⭐ this repository if it helped you!



Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "FH Cheat" Project. README Source: BraWera/FH-Cheat

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