Fixred Versions Save

Fix outdated links in files with redirect URLs


2 years ago
  • Fix cargo install fixred failed due to new release of clap crate v3.0.0-beta.5


2 years ago
  • Ignore non-UTF8 files. This is useful when you specify some directories to update files recursively. Now fixred fixes only UTF-8 files in directories recursively. Previously fixred stopped when finding a non-UTF8 file. To know which files were ignored, try --verbose flag.


2 years ago
  • Dependencies necessary only for building fixred executable are now optional. By removing executable feature, they can be omit on installing this tool as Rust library for less dependencies.
    fixred = { version = "1", default-features = false, features = [] }
  • Add an introduction dedicated for the API document. Previously file at root of this repository was used but it is basically for fixred executable.


2 years ago


2 years ago
  • Release the docker image.
  • Use a dedicated $FIXRED_LOG environment variable instead of $RUST_LOG environment variable to control logs.
  • Add --verbose flag to show info level logs easily.


2 years ago
  • Fix percent-encoded characters are ignored
  • Reduce number of dependencies from 86 to 77


2 years ago
  • Keep fragments in URLs


2 years ago

First release :tada:

See the document to know how to install fixred: