Flex Color Scheme Versions Save

A Flutter package to make and use beautiful color scheme based themes.


10 months ago


August 17, 2023

  • FIX: Themes Playground: Update the in-app documentation of known Flutter issues to reflect changes brought by Flutter 3.13.
  • FIX: Changelog 7.3.0 typos and style corrections by @TahaTesser.


10 months ago


August 16, 2023

This release uses new features in Material-3 theming that are only available in Flutter 3.13 or later. It thus requires minimum Flutter 3.13.0.

In the next Flutter stable release after 3.13, Flutter will change the ThemeData.useMaterial3 default from false to true. In other words, applications using FCS will get the Material-3 colors, text styles, and other visuals, by default. The FlexColorScheme API will then be following along with this breaking change. In this release the FlexColorScheme API useMaterial3 still defaults to false. The Themes Playground app has for quite some time already defaulted to setting the value to true. Which is also already the case in Flutter when you create a new application with flutter create.



  • To FlexSubThemes in buttonTheme added bool alignedDropdown.

  • To FlexSubThemesData added bool alignedDropdown. Setting it to true improves the style of the DropdownButton and the DropdownButtonForField. They no longer expand outside the width of the parent dropdown button but are kept size aligned with it.

  • To FlexSubThemes in:

    • chipTheme added TextStyle secondaryLabelStyle
    • dialogTheme added TextStyle titleTextStyle and contentTextStyle
    • floatingActionButtonTheme added TextStyle extendedTextStyle
    • menuButtonTheme added TextStyle textStyle
    • snackBarTheme added TextStyle contentTextStyle
    • timePickerTheme added TextStyle dayPeriodTextStyle, dialTextStyle, helpTextStyle and hourMinuteTextStyle
    • toggleButtonsTheme added TextStyle textStyle
  • The TextStyle additions above, to mentioned FlexSubThemes, do not yet bring any new features usable via FlexColorScheme theming APIs. They are a preparation for adding more component TextStyles to FlexSubThemesData. This in turn, will enable more direct TextStyle theming via FlexColorScheme API without using copyWith to override produced ThemeData.

  • As planned in previous versions, made the FlexSubThemesData.useInputDecoratorThemeInDialogs apply also to DatePickerDialog and not only to TimePickerDialog. This feature is not optimally supported by the framework. The current implementation has severe limitations. See more info in PR #128950 comment. For more information about the differences in how InputDecorationTheme behaves in different component themes, read the proposal "Make InputDecorationTheme usage in components consistent" in issue #131666.


  • Minor style breaking changes:
  • FlexSubThemes.dropdownMenuTextStyle now default to TextTheme.bodyLarge if not defined. Previously it used Flutter SDK default TextTheme.bodyLarge, which is a poor design default as the style does not fit with default style bodyLarge used as default style in TextFieldin M3 mode. See issue #131350 that contains a mention of this style deviant. In Jetpack compose, the DropdownMenu and its TextField part correctly defaults to using bodyLarge, this is thus assumed to be the correct spec wise. The issue of wrong default text styles in Flutter menus is further discussed in issue #131676. FlexColorScheme will not internally correct the wrong default TextStyle on menu items, it will however change to follow the default when Flutter stable does. The difference in the DropdownMenu text input field was however significant enough to warrant a change already before the fix lands in Flutter stable.


  • Fixed the FlexSubThemes.checkboxTheme that broke due to an unexpected breaking change in Flutter 3.13 caused by PR #125643. The breaking change is discussed further in issue #130295. The fix to the checkbox theme incorporates the new behavior to keep its custom styling working as before and expected.

  • Fixed useInputDecoratorThemeInDialogs not working for some properties in the InputDecorator, when the value was null or false, where some properties in the TextFields in the TimePickerDialog did not revert back to default styles. Now they do, but via hard defined values to mimic the default M3 style, as that is the only way to get back to it when a very custom themeData.inputDecoratorTheme is being used.



  • The PopupMenu and Dropdowns panel got a setting for older Material-2 based DropdownButtonFormField and DropdownButton to set the new alignment property, which is an ancient theming property in the old ButtonThemeData that was used by deprecated and removed Material Buttons, but the theme is still used by these buttons.

  • On the TextField panel, added a feature to set the input decoration style back to FlexColorScheme's own defaults.


  • Harmonized custom color activation settings on Theme Colors and Seeded ColorScheme.

  • Removed old switch in custom colors in dark mode, that was used to enable using input scheme color as own seed colors in dark mode when using custom colors. For simplicity, the custom dark mode colors have been used directly as seed colors in a few releases in the Playground already. The control was an old left-over with no function anymore.

  • The global themed input decorator usage is now on by default for TimePickerdialog and DatePickerdialog. This is the only style currently supported for DatePickerDialog in Flutter, so it makes sense to keep it on by default. Turning it OFF for now only removes the custom, input decorator style from the TimePickerDialog. Despite the new feature in Flutter SDK, it cannot be removed from the DatePickerDialog. This is discussed in PR #128950 comment. Additional info is also available in Flutter issue #131666.


  • Fixed the old default color info for the toggles Switch, Checkbox and Radio, that are shown when FlexColorScheme is disabled as default values in Material 2 dark mode. They have been updated in Flutter SDK to ColorScheme.secondary color and are no longer not the horrid dark mode teal color. This default color info, shown when FlexColorScheme is disabled in the Themes Playground, had not been updated for the dark M2 mode Switch, Checkbox and Radio colors.


11 months ago


July 20, 2023



  • Added boolean property switchThumbFixedSize to FlexSubThemesData. When set to true, the Material-3 Switch themed thumb size is same size when Switch is ON and OFF. When the property value is false or undefined, it retains its default behavior and the thumb is smaller when the switch is OFF. Only has any impact in Material-3 mode.
  • Added FlexAdaptive property adaptiveRemoveNavigationBarTint to FlexSubThemesData. It is used to control platform adaptive elevation tint removal on the NavigationBar theme.
  • Added textSelectionTheme to FlexSubThemes, used to make a TextSelectionThemeData.
  • Added properties inputCursorSchemeColor, inputSelectionSchemeColor, inputSelectionOpacity, and inputSelectionHandleSchemeColor, to FlexSubThemesData used to configure TextSelectionThemeData as a part of FlexColorScheme.subThemesData.
  • Added a new feature that enables platform adaptive Material ink selection via adaptiveSplash a FlexAdaptive property, and the FlexSplashType values splashType and splashTypeAdaptive in FlexSubThemesData.
  • FlexColorScheme got the splashFactory property, which can be used to override any splash type setting in FlexSubThemesData. This addition also removes the need to do a copy with on ThemeData to provide a custom splashFactory. Prefer using the FlexSubThemesData properties splashType and splashTypeAdaptive to control the selection of used ink factory together with adaptiveSplash, unless you have written a custom ink factory that you want to use, in which case using the splashFactory override is appropriate.
  • New feature that enable platform adaptive theming of border radius on dialogs via adaptiveDialogRadius a FlexAdaptive property and double dialogRadiusAdaptive in FlexSubThemesData.
  • Added tinted disable support when FlexSubThemesData.tintedDisabledControls is true to FilledButton and FilledButton.tonal. They have the same disabled style when not tinted, so we can do the same to their tinted variants. Even if we still cannot theme them to have different themed colors when enabled, due to issue #118063, we can still theme their disabled state with tint when the option is used.
  • Added tinted disable support when FlexSubThemesData.tintedDisabledControls is true to IconButton, IconButton.filled, IconButton.filledTonal and IconButton.outlined foreground colors. They have the same disabled foreground style when not tinted, so we can do the same to their tinted foreground color variants. We still cannot theme them to have different themed background colors when disabled, or at all when enabled, due to issue #118063. We can only theme their disabled foreground color state with tint when the option is used.


  • Updated to use version 1.4.0 of FlexSeedScheme offering two new FlexTones and extended tonal palette.

  • Minor style breaking changes:

  • Removed elevation tint impact of general FlexSubThemesData.adaptiveRemoveElevationTint setting, from the NavigationBar component. It instead has its own setting in FlexSubThemesData.adaptiveRemoveNavigationBarTint, that can be used independently of the general tint removal setting. This was done since it may be preferred to not remove the elevation tint from the NavigationBar, even when otherwise doing so on selected platforms.

  • In M2 mode, when not using sub-theme, ThemeData.textSelectionTheme it now gets a default TextSelectionThemeData() and its themed style defaults to SDK defaults. Enable and use sub-themes and its new theming features to style it further.

    • In previous versions in M2 mode, text selection handles used Theme.of(context).primaryColorDark, even when sub-themes where not enabled. They still do by default, but only when sub-themes are enabled.
  • In both M2 and M3 mode bottomNavigationBarElevation in FlexSubThemesData and elevation in FlexSubThemes.bottomNavigationBar when undefined, now default to elevation 3, giving the BottomNavigationBar a default elevation of 3 when using FlexColorScheme.

    • Previously default elevation was zero. Flutter SDK defaults to 8. The FlexColorScheme opinionated default value was changed to 3 to make it equal to the default elevation of NavigationBar in M3 mode, so that the bottom navigators share same default elevation when using FlexColorScheme. As before, you can adjust the elevation as needed with the API and in the Themes Playground.
  • In M2 mode navigationBarElevation in FlexSubThemesData and elevation in FlexSubThemes.navigationBarTheme when undefined, now default to elevation 3, giving the NavigationBar a default elevation of 3 in M2 mode when using FlexColorScheme.

    • Previously default elevation was zero. Flutter SDK defaults to 0. The FlexColorScheme opinionated default value was changed to 3 to make it equal to the default elevation of NavigationBar in M3 mode, so that the bottom navigators share same default elevation when using FlexColorScheme. As before, you can adjust the elevation as needed with the API and in the Themes Playground.
  • In M2 mode, bottomAppBarElevation when undefined, now also remains undefined in FlexSubThemes.bottomAppBarTheme causing default elevation in M2 mode to become 8 like in the SDK default for M2.

    • Previous default used same elevation as AppBar, when bottomAppBarElevation was undefined, or 0 if AppBar's elevation was also undefined. The rationale for removal of this default behavior is to start cleaning out opinionated behavior that no longer makes sense to keep around, especially since eventually M2 mode is going away in Flutter.
    • The default for M3 mode is unchanged, using elevation 3, via SDK defaults when undefined.
  • In M2 mode, ElevatedButton, FilledButton, FilledButton.tonal, OutlinedButton, TextButton and ToggleButtons now default to border radius 40 dp. Previously they defaulted to 20 dp. Their style is intended to match the used Stadium border design in M3, which is still the default in M3 mode. When using very tall buttons, the 20 dp default value was not enough to keep the buttons looking Stadium shaped as intended in FCS M2 mode.


  • Fixed that TextSelectionThemeData did not automatically use colors that matched and followed subThemes.inputDecoratorSchemeColor when it was modified and text selection colors were not explicitly defined. The text selection, cursor and text selection handles should follow the input decoration's base color by default when they are not defined separately. Defining text selection colors was not possible before version 7.2.0, but defining input decoration colors was, but text selection remained using primary. Now they by default follow the input decoration color, but can also be separately defined via new features in version 7.2.0.
    • Known limitation: Text selection handles on iOS platform cannot be changed with a theme from primary color. So on iOS their themed color is always colorScheme.primary. The text selection color and cursor color do follow the theme also on iOS.
  • Fixed useFlutterDefaults when elevation is null in FlexSubThemes.bottomNavigationBar not using Flutter SDK default elevation of 8.
  • Added a built-in theme fix to make the elevation tint change in the AppBar animate when it changes. Based on Material spec and observed native Android behavior and compose behavior, the AppBar color change when it is scrolled under should animate. Flutter M3 apps do not do this, the color change is instant. Discovered a theme workaround that makes it animate. This is now always used in FCS themes until Flutter includes its own fix for it.
  • The FlexSubThemes.menuButtonTheme and the MenuButtonThemeData it makes, got a style value, where ButtonStyle.animationDuration is always Duration.zero. This solved the issue reported in issue #123615. Consequently, there is no need for a fix for the issue, since it could be solved with a theme property.



  • In the Switch Check Radio panel, the Switch got a setting to control if thumb is fixed sized or not.
  • The NavigationBar got its own setting for elevation tint removal in light and dark mode.
  • Introduction text updated. New information about Material-3 design becoming the default in Flutter SDK soon added, and that Material-2 will be deprecated.
  • Added text selection theming to the Text Field panel. By default, cursor color, text selection color and text selection handles, default to following the input decorator default color or its selected color. The cursor color, text selection, and text selection handle colors, can also be overridden and defined separately. These settings for light and dark mode, have their own property values in the Playground.
  • Added support for selecting a custom ink splash effect and another custom platform adaptive splash effect on selected other platforms.
  • Added support for configuring the used VisualDensity. When using mock platform setting in the Playground, it also affects the result of used setting when VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity, FlexColorScheme.comfortablePlatformDensity or default undefined value, that falls back to VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity, are used.
  • Added support for selecting and using FlexTones.candyPop and FlexTones.chroma.
  • Added support for making any seed strategy use tone 100 (white) or tone 0 (black) as resulting surface and background tones.
  • Added an option to show the new extended tonal palette tones to the seeded color scheme panel.
  • Shape and radius now have their own theming topic panel, removed radius from Component Themes topic.
  • Add adaptive border radius setting to the Dialogs panel.
  • Add TimePicker border radius override value setting to the Dialogs panel.
  • Add DatePicker border radius override value setting to the Dialogs panel.
  • Added a switch to show TextStyle details to TextTheme presentations.
  • Added font NotoSans Medium (W500) to assets.
  • On theme showcase and icon button panels, show both tappable and toggleable IconButton styles.
  • Theme topic selector uses a group color on icons and selected item. The colors are fixed semantic colors, but the colors are Material-3 harmonized to active theme surface tint color. This makes them fit nicely when the overall color theme of the app changes. It is also a nice additional demo of theme extensions with many colors that are harmonized. The concept is the same as the one used on the code highlighter colors earlier.


  • The onColor blend-level and on onMain setting are no longer disabled when using seeded ColorScheme. Rationale: If some colors are locked to use custom colors, using onBlend level has an impact on their contrasting colors and should be allowed in the Playground. The API could use it before too, but Playground could not, now it can.
  • Changed the order of theming topic panels. All color and surface related topic panels are now before component theme panels. Theme settings topic panels have been split into more discrete topics and have a new order.
  • Changed the order of components and labels on many theme topic panels.
  • The apps included in the Theme Simulator now all extend content behind their app bars and bottom navigation. This allows themed opacity settings on app bar and bottom navigation to become observable in the simulated apps.
  • The Shop app in the Theme Simulator received some style updates to use more theme dependent styling, like Card as containers for shop items.


  • Fixed allowing elevation changes of BottomNavigationBar and NavigationBar when useFlutterDefaults is true (ON).
  • Fixed allowing opacity usage on NavigationBar when default undefined background color is used.


  • The new Squircle and platform adaptive shape selection features were postponed. They may arrive later this year in version 7.3 or a later release. It is pending more investigation into the best choice concerning correct shapes and potential performance issues they might come with.


1 year ago


May 17, 2023



  • SubThemes ElevatedButton in M3 mode, when using elevatedButtonSecondarySchemeColor and there was no value defined on elevatedButtonSchemeColor it resulted in wrong color being used as default for elevatedButtonSchemeColor. Issue and test fixed.


  • Updated Android runner included for all the examples. The previous one no longer worked with Flutter 3.10, and its used Kotlin version. With included updated version, the examples can be built as Android apps again.


1 year ago


May 15, 2023



  • Fixed regression issue where custom a textTheme's color is no longer applied.
    • See issue #151.
    • The issue was introduced in version 7.0.0, when adding a feature that provided automatic correct default contrast text color for GoogleFonts, when a default GoogleFonts and its TextTheme, like GoogleFonts.notoSansTextTheme() is used in textTheme or primaryTextTheme in FlexColorScheme.
    • The GoogleFonts and its textTheme color always defaults to the color from M2 mode default light mode ThemeData.light().textTheme. This when used in ThemeData forces users to assign correct M2/M3 color and textTheme/primaryTextTheme contrast color, to all its styles, whenever used in a situation where the default is light theme mode M2 color is the wrong color. The default contrast color is basically only correct for a light theme when using Material 2. For anything else, it is incorrect.
    • FCS version 7.0.0 got rid of the need to make such correction assignment, but it also incorrectly disabled using custom colors used in any custom TextTheme.
    • The applied FIX keeps the desired "no need to give correct contrast color" to a default GoogleFonts TextTheme in FlexColorScheme and also allows making custom colored text custom text themes.
    • The FIX is a bit involved, it also led to an idea that maybe GoogleFonts, should just keep the font color default as null, and let Flutter's default Theme behavior handle the assignment of correct color for the M2/M3 mode and light/dark theme mode, using each mode's default contrast color, for each style in the TextTheme. See issue GoogleFonts #401 for more info on this.
    • Tests added for the regression and for the new GoogleFonts default TextTheme being used and nulling its colors, so they get correct M2/M3 mode default contrast colors in both light and dark mode and for both textTheme and primaryTextTheme.



  • Fixed the code gen for useTextTheme setting to always generate code for setting's value in Playground code gen when it is not null. When it is undefined or null, it means that the TextTheme follows the M2/M3 specification mode default TextTheme and Typography. In previous versions, the code setting for useTextTheme only showed up in the generated code when it was needed to produce the viewed end result. If the M2/m3 mode default produced the same result, the setting was not added to the generated API config. This may be confusing. It is clearer to always show it in code gen when it is set to a none null value. See discussion in repo Q&A #150.


1 year ago


May 12, 2023

FlexColorScheme v7.1.0 supports new theming features in Flutter 3.10, it thus requires minimum Flutter 3.10 and Dart 3.0.


  • Added support for "bring shadows back" adaptive theming feature to BottomAppBar and BottomSheet.
  • Added datePickerTheme to FlexSubThemes.
  • Added properties datePickerDialogRadius and datePickerHeaderBackgroundSchemeColor to FlexSubThemesData.


  • Updated to use minimum flex_seed_scheme ^1.3.0. This version, no longer depends on material_color_utilities, thus avoiding all version issues and conflicts when Flutter changes what breaking version of material_color_utilities it uses on different channels and versions.


  • Themes Playground 7.1 for FlexColorScheme 7.1 can be found here.
  • NEW

    • Added selection of themed header color scheme color for the DatePickerDialog on the Dialogs panel.
    • Added showing SearchBar with SearchView to the AppBar panel.
    • Added showing SearchBar with SearchView to the Widget Showcase.

    • Reviewed and updated status of all known theming issues in info expands.
    • The SKIA canvaskit renderer is again being used to build all the web examples, including the Themes Playground.
    • Updated all examples to use new ListenableBuilder instead of AnimatedBuilder where appropriate.


1 year ago


Apr 29, 2023

  • Fix: #143 Glitches in highlighting effect on mouse hover over FlexThemeModeSwitch and FlexThemeModeOptionButton.


1 year ago


Apr 24, 2023

This beta-1 of FlexColorScheme v7.1.0. It is a dev release using Flutter 3.10 beta channel. It requires Flutter version 3.10.0-1.3.pre or later. This beta version is a first preparation version of FlexColorScheme for the next stable Flutter release after version 3.7.x.


  • Added datePickerTheme to FlexSubThemes.
  • Added properties datePickerDialogRadius and datePickerHeaderBackgroundSchemeColor to FlexSubThemesData.


  • NEW

    • Added selection of themed header color scheme color for the DatePickerDialog on the Dialogs panel.
    • Added showing SearchBar with SearchView to the AppBar panel.
    • Added showing SearchBar with SearchView to the Widget Showcase.

    • Reviewed and updated status of all known theming issues in info expands.
  • SKIA

    • The SKIA canvaskit renderer is again being used to build all the web examples, including the Themes Playground.
    • The beta-1 version of Themes Playground 7.1 for FCS 7.1 can be tested here.


1 year ago


Apr 22, 2023

  • Package
    • No changes.
  • Themes Playground
    • FIX: AppBar setting for using platform adaptive scroll under elevation tint removal was not working correctly. UI bug in Playground only, no package impact.


1 year ago


Apr 19, 2023

  • Fix #136 default background color regression on FlexThemeModeSwitch and FlexThemeModeOptionButton.