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Project Flogo is an open source ecosystem of opinionated event-driven capabilities to simplify building efficient & modern serverless functions, microservices & edge apps.


2 years ago

newer releases can be found here: https://github.com/project-flogo

this Repo is just the pointer to the quickly growing Flogo project that got splitter up into a number of Repos under a separated GitHub Org.


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


6 years ago

This release focuses on on squashing bugs, as well as the introduction of the Golang API.

Features Added

  • Golang API: Enables Go developers to leverage activities, triggers and flows within their own Go applications. (#289)
  • Array length function for conditions (#282)

Flogo Flows Web UI

  • Trigger configurations now support referencing of $property & $env
  • Build and target shim triggers from UI (#252)

Bugs Squashed

  • Array mapping fails (#281)
  • Web UI: Manually added properties in property bag are lost in app import/export (#205)
  • While importing Json file Flow description values are not retained. (#258)
  • Parse ternary expression failed (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-lib#194)
  • Going into infinite loop in error handle flow while iterate activity mapping error (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-lib#193)
  • Support expression mapping in iterate (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-lib#192)
  • Engine hangs when a flow has multiple reply activities (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-lib#181)
  • fix subflow activity to handle call to flow with no inputs/outputs (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-contrib#262)
  • Lambda trigger updates (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-contrib#256)
  • REST trigger POST data: What are the accepted types? (#285)
  • Expect proper error message to user: Flogo FAAS (#286)
  • Invoke Lambda MissingRegion: could not find region configuration (#274)


6 years ago

This release is a minor release focusing on squashing bugs. No new major features have been added.

Bugs Squashed

  • Array input to flow throwing a conversion error (#212)
  • Cannot iterate over an output array from a previous activity (#213)
  • Lambda trigger does not return proper payload on APIGW request (#249)
  • Remove Reply (Legacy) (#219)
  • Iterator: unable to evaluate path (#272)
  • Iterator does not recognize my map attribute (#273)
  • Flogo webui reports successful install when logs show fail (#195)
  • Flogo Web: If activity/trigger fails to install web ui does not recover from failure (#114)
  • Fix an issue to recongnize boolean in expression condition (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-lib#152)

Features Added

  • OOB Memory and CPU profiling for Flogo application binaries (#243)
  • Enhance support for Application Properties (#226)
  • Mapper functions exposed via the WebUI
  • Support expression on object mapping (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-lib#144)
  • Support keyword nil in expression (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-lib#167)


6 years ago

This release is a minor release focusing just on squashing bugs. No new features have been added.

Bugs Squashed

  • Panic thrown with invalid Log level (#204)
  • Mapper functions imported by default (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-lib#153)
  • Introduced string.ignoreCaseEquals mapper function (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-lib#153)
  • Timer trigger starts flow immediately for past date (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-contrib#236)
  • Unhandled flow errors are not propagated (TIBCOSoftware/flogo-contrib#235)
  • Resolved an issue where the iterator would throw an error preventing the app from starting (#207)


6 years ago

This release captures a number of core changes and enhancements. Backward compatibility has been maintained.

Key Changes/Features

  • Subflows: The ability to invoke a flow within the same application scope as the current flow, enabling app devs to distribute app logic into logical functions/flows within the application scope.
  • Additional mapping types: Additional mapping types have been exposed to enable function-level invocation within mappings (for example, contact). *Note, the function support is not exposed via the Web UI, but is available when building your app models directly.
  • New application model: The Flogo application model has been cleaned up and simplified to expose a more intuitive format for manual editing and consumption.
  • New activity: AWS SNS
  • As always, general bug fixes and enhancements


6 years ago

As always, we’re out to squash bugs and enhance the developer experience.

Key changes/features:

  • Iterators: Support for iterating over an array or n times and invoking a single activity.
  • Native support for AWS Lambda. A Flow can now be built to target running as a function within AWS Lambda using native Golang support.
  • Support for referencing $env & $properties for trigger settings (for example, defining the port via an environment variable)
  • CLI switch to go dep from gb. This has an impact on users of the CLI. Note the updated documentation to reflect the changes (https://tibcosoftware.github.io/flogo/flogo-cli/flogo-cli/). Any current project will need to be upgraded using the supplied CLI commands.


6 years ago

As always, we’re out to squash bugs and enhance the developer experience.

Key changes/features:

  • Triggers and flows have now been decoupled. Meaning that multiple triggers can be mapped to a single flow enabling a single flow to process logic from multiple sources (HTTP, Kafka, MQTT, an as an example).
  • Flows as Functions: A flow exposes function-like constructs. A flow can define input and output parameters. This allows the flow to operate without any dependency on the trigger(s).
  • Shim-style triggers. These are triggers that override the entry point of the framework.
  • First-class support for AWS Lambda. A Flow can now be built to target running as a function within AWS Lambda.
  • Native Google TensorFlow activity used to inference data against a tf.estimator protobuf model.
  • Revised evaluation syntax. A simplified and revised syntax for evaluation mapping expressions.
  • Object-type mapping. This enables a flow developer to construct a JSON response object with values from the flow context.