Floor Plan Lab Save Abandoned

Virtual Graph Paper to Rapidly Design Floor Plans

Project README

Floor Plan Lab

A virtual graph paper sandbox with tools to easily create awesome floor plans.


This version is no longer maintained. As of 11/19/20 this repository will be archived and subsequent updates to this software will not be licensed under the MIT license. Floor Plan Lab will continue to exist and you can continue to use the product at https://floorplanlab.com/.


Floor Plan Lab is a React app intended to be used as a tool to rapidly design floor plans. It uses a customizable snap-to-grid scale to automatically size objects such as doors, furniture, and appliances.

Built With

Development Quick Start

# Inside root directory, install dependencies
npm install

# Run development script on localhost:3000
npm start


Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Floor Plan Lab" Project. README Source: dcarubia/floor-plan-lab
Open Issues
Last Commit
3 years ago

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