FluentSystemIconsUWP Save

A UWP library that provides easy access to the Fluent System Icons at https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui-system-icons

Project README

Fluent System Icons for UWP

A UWP library that provides easy access to Microsoft's Fluent System Icons


From NuGet

In your app project, install the Fluent.Icons NuGet package. (Note that it is currently a prerelease build, so if you are searching for it in the NuGet Package Manager, make sure you have "Include prerelease" checked.) You can install the latest version using the following command in the NuGet Package Manager:

Install-Package Fluent.Icons

Build a package

  1. Build the solution in Release mode and Any CPU
  2. Open Command Prompt in the solution directory and run nuget pack Fluent.Icons/Fluent.Icons.csproj -properties Configuration=Release
  3. Go to the Package Manager Console and set the default project to FluentSystemTestApp. Then run Install-Package "{repo_path}\FluentSystemIconsUWP\Fluent.Icons.{version}.nupkg" (change {repo_path} to where the solution folder is and {version} to the package version).
  4. Test the package by deploying FluentSystemTestApp.proj

Build from source

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Add a reference to Fluent.Icons.csproj. You don't need the other two projects to build it.
  3. Add xmlns:fluent="using:Fluent.Icons" to your pages.


The following examples assume that you have imported the Fluent.Icons namespace as follows.

using Fluent.Icons;

Example A

Use a Fluent Icon as a button's content.

    <fluent:FluentSymbolIcon Symbol="AddCircle24"/>
myButton.Content = new FluentSymbolIcon(FluentSymbol.AddCircle24);

Example B

Use Fluent Icons in a NavigationView's MenuItems.

    <NavigationViewItem Content="Navigate">
            <FluentIconElement Symbol="Directions24" />
myNavView.MenuItems.Add(new NavigationViewItem()
    Icon = new FluentIconElement(FluentSymbol.Directions24);

Example C

Use a Fluent Icon in an AppBarButton.

        <FluentIconElement Symbol="Star24" />
myAppBarButton.Icon = new FluentIconElement(FluentSymbol.Star24);

Example D

Show a list of all available Fluent Icons.

<ListView ItemsSource="{x:Bind fluent:FluentSymbolIcon.AllFluentIcons.Keys}">
        <DataTemplate x:DataType="fluent:FluentSymbol">
                <StackPanel Spacing="10" Orientation="Horizontal">
                    <fluent:FluentSymbolIcon Symbol="{x:Bind}"/>
                    <TextBlock Text="{x:Bind}"/>

Example E

Get the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Geometry object that represents an icon


Example F

Get a PathIcon object that represents an icon


Example G

Get the raw SVG path data for a given icon

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "FluentSystemIconsUWP" Project. README Source: yoshiask/FluentSystemIconsUWP
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Last Commit
2 years ago

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