FullPage.js Versions Save

fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple


1 week ago
  • Fixed bug: fullpage.js won't scroll loaded inside iframes when using mouse wheel (trackpad works) #4633


1 week ago
  • Fixed bug: regression preventing scroll on scrollable sections #4630
  • Documentation: replacing "who is using fullpage" images
  • Documentation: replacing "who is using fullPage.js" image
  • Documentation: updating contributors image


1 week ago
  • Fixed bug: Loading fullPage.js in an iframe forces scroll of parent window #4628
  • Fixed bug: fp-auto-height-responsive not working with large content #4626
  • Fixed bug: Error on loading with anchor - "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'parentNode')" #4622
  • Fixed bug: Menu not working when not specifying anchors #4620
  • Fixed bug: Keyboard navigation broken after calling destroy + init #4611
  • Enhancement: preventing scroll of parent frames on scroll
  • Documentation: adding contributors pics
  • Documentation: removing links without FP
  • Documentation: Display options as headings


5 months ago
  • Fixed bug: parallax & cards extensions not working


5 months ago


1 year ago
  • Fixed bug when height larger than viewport. Adding option scrollBeyondFullpage
  • Fixed bug: Tabbing won't work vertically when anchors are not defined #4549
  • Fixed bug: Fast tabbing creates UI problems #4550
  • Fixed bug: destroy("all") not removing all styles #4537


1 year ago
  • Fixed bug: reverting fix for Safari bug #4522
  • Fixed bug: DragAndMove (horizontal bullets not activating + JS console errors)


1 year ago
  • Fixed bug: autoScrolling: false and state class fp-viewing- not applying correctly #4521
  • Fixed bug: Flicker on scroll in Safari #4522


1 year ago
  • Fixed bug: Cannot type on input on scrollOverflow sections #4514


1 year ago
  • Fixed bug: Slide Skips in Safari #4511
  • Fixed bug: Jumps over section on scroll on Safari #4493
  • Fixed bug: Using fp-noscroll on sections with slide will prevent scroll on mobile #4505
  • Fixed bug: Using credits: false causes fullPage.js invalid license message #4510
  • Fixed bug: fp-auto-height and scrollOverflow not working together #4498