FullPage.js Versions Save

fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple


1 year ago
  • Fixed bug: Offset sections extensions not working as expected #4491
  • Fixed bug: scrollOverflow: true + scrollBar: true causes touch events issues #4490
  • Fixed bug: Safari applies the wrong offset on scroll to anchor & sometimes on scroll #4484
  • Documentation: updated gzip size & improved style #4488 thanks to @cloydlau


1 year ago
  • Fixed bug: auto-height sections ignored min-height #4471
  • Fixed bug changes on ScrollOverflow content trigger scroll page #4479
  • Fixed bug: Offset Sections extension had issues on page load
  • Fixed bug: Responsive Slides showed a console error
  • Fixed bug: removed console message on extensions file
  • Documentation: updating bakers.md
  • Enhancement: allowing extra domains for activations


1 year ago
  • Fixed bug: Loading page with anchors shows wrong section/slide when using scrollOverflow #4464
  • Fixed bug: auto-height sections ignored min-height #4471
  • Fixed bug: slides not sliding after resizeEvent triggered on input change #4466
  • Fixed bug: fp-auto-heightt section behaves as full-height when using autoScrolling: false #4467
  • Fixed bug: GPLv3 license was giving error #4463
  • Fixed bug: scrollBar: true didn't prevent touch scroll sometimes
  • Fixed bug: Responsive Slides extension was not working properly
  • Fixed bug: fp-auto-height sections ignored min-height #4471
  • Enhancement: removing commented-out styles
  • Enhancement: refactoring event strings to properties
  • Documentation: fixed indenting on lists
  • Documentation: removing unnecessary text
  • Documentation: updating links to secure links with https
  • Documentation: removing websites without fullpage.js


1 year ago
  • Fixed bug: Section Overflows with scrollBar:true & large content #4447
  • Fixed bug: keyboard navigation on scrollOverflow section didn't work until clicking on it
  • FIxed bug: Keyboard scrolling not working on responsive mode #4452
  • Fixed bug: scroll event not being captured on window object with fitToSection: true
  • Fixed bug: Fast click on nav bullets caused unwanted glitches
  • Fixed bug: scrolling issues iOS + scrollOverflow + horizontal slides #4454
  • Fixed bug: scrollable content wasn't able to have background #4448 #4447
  • Enhancement: dynamically content changes can automatically become scrollable with scrollOverflow
  • Enhancement: tabbing didn't force scroll #4453
  • Enhancement: reverting fitToSection from CSS Snaps to custom JS
  • Fixed bug: fp-noscroll didn't show the top of content #4430
  • Documentation: fixed minor grammar errors thanks to @BossElijah
  • Documentation: updating the link to the migration guide
  • Documentation: added Brazilian language thanks to @guilherssousa #4417


1 year ago
  • Fixed bug: auto-height + scrollOverflow #4435
  • Fixed bug: menu doesn't work when I use responsiveWidth #4432
  • Fixed bug: white screen when clicking input on Android #4420
  • Fixed bug: beforeLeave not triggered on scroll on page load #4418
  • Fixed bug: scrollOverflow + parallax didn't work
  • Fixed bug: fp-noscroll not working #4430
  • Examples: Improved callbacks example
  • Documentation: fixing codepen link
  • Enhancement: improved error message for licenseKey


2 years ago
  • Fixed bug: Fullpage stops scrolling while swiping before the movement ends #4397
  • Fixed bug: scrollBar causes no scroll transition scrolling back #4398


2 years ago
  • Fixed bug: fullpage.js didn't work on Safari < 13 #4390
  • Fixed bug: scrollOverflow + floating distances prevented it from moving to next section #4391
  • Fixing bug on input focus on Android #4393
  • Enhancement: improved scrollBar: true performance with requestAnimationFrame #4344
  • Fixed bug: fixing problem with react-fullpage & gatsby on redirect https://github.com/alvarotrigo/react-fullpage/issues/325
  • Fixed bug: swipe didn't work on touchscreen computers


2 years ago
  • Fixed bug: scrollOverflowReset not working as expected #4388
  • Fixed bug: scrollBar & fp-auto-height & fitToSection adjusting to the wrong section #4380
  • Fixed bug: touchScreen swipe with fitToSection:false & scrollBar:true - always scrolls down #4376
  • Fixed bug: spacebar not working in form fields #4373
  • Fixed bug: invalid licenseKey was breaking site #4368
  • Fixed bug: waterEffect + dragAndMove minified options issues
  • Documentation: incorrect data on "this" for callbacks #4337


2 years ago
  • Fixed bug: getActiveSlide didn't work
  • Fixed bug: problems with licenseKey verification


2 years ago
  • Fixed bug: scrollOverflow wheel didn't work on touch screen devices
  • Fixed bug: security issue