Gatsby Theme Pitayan Versions Save

A minimal blog theme plugin for Gatsby


1 year ago


Full Changelog:


1 year ago

Breaking Changes & Features

From this version on, there're some big changes for this plugin. Please read the content below to make sure that the changes are able to fully function on your side.

1. Upgrade Gatsby to V5.0

Gatsby v5 has changed quite a lot of things. It didn't take much time for gatsby-plugin-pitayan to migrate from v4. Thus, it would be a pleasant experience for you as well.

To smoothly migrate your site to Gatsby v5, you'll have to do the following steps.

  • Read Gatsby V5 manual here. If you manually tweaked anything, make those changes align with the Gatsby v5 standards.
  • Upgrade Nodejs to >= v18.0.0. (FYI, dependencies of react & react-dom now are also upgraded to >=v18.0.0.)
  • Make sure the 3rd party plugins you're using all support Gatsby V5. If not, there might be some bumbles of starting up local development server.
  • Remove the package-lock.json in case there're warnings against your upgrade.
  • Execute npm install to get the updated dependencies
  • Remove the Gatsby cache (usually it's .cache) from your project root folder before you "npm run develop".

2. Table of Contents

It's created under responsive design for the post page which is displayed under "large screen" devices (browsers). It's sticky to the top of the post component and has active states for each of the item within it.

By default, this ToC will only show item up to 2 levels. Suppose your content is having from H1 till H3. Only the H1 and H2 will be displayed in the ToC list. However, it's editable via a plugin option of tableOfContentsLevels.

plugins: [
      resolve: `@pitayan/gatsby-theme-pitayan`,
      options: {
        siteAssets: "src/assets",
        postsPerPage: 10,
        tableOfContentsLevels: 3,

In order to center the post component, the sharing group buttons were attached to the left side of post component for the balance. It's also sticky to the top of the post component.



Full Changelog:


1 year ago


  • Use siteMetaData in BottomFooter component. #24


2 years ago


A prompt release followed after v0.4.1 fixing the inappropriate appearance

  • PostAuthor under post title to be aligned center for smaller screen
  • SubscriptionPanel rounded border is removed


2 years ago


  • The category tags and social sharing components to align center horizontal when under smaller screen
  • Post page previous / next post link button responsive style adjustment
  • AuthorCard responsive style adjustment


2 years ago

Breaking Changes

In this release, there're many design changes that are quite different than what it looks like before.

  • Change post title position to "text center"
  • Change post meta position to align center
  • Change social sharing icons smaller
  • Made category tags and social sharing icons come right after the end of the pos
  • Added new links for previous and next post pages
  • Added author card(s) to post page
  • Move SubscriptionPanel to Default Layout which will always display as full width
  • Some font style changes including the following:
    • Change title positioning and style for Authors page & Categories page
    • Change AuthorPosts page
    • Change Home page slogan font style
  • Other changes
    • text color & background color
    • Icon


2 years ago


1. Add 3 custom events

For scenarios like 3rd party tracking (e.g. using GA), it's now possible to directly listen these new custom events and reacts to the user behaviors.


2. Move Copy url button from top navigation to post page social sharing group

image image

Icon is also changed


3. Icon migrated from "Simple-Icons" to "Remix-Icons"

Before image

Now image

4. Subscription panel now can turn into full width on smaller screens

May-08-2022 16-27-50

5. Subscription component content is now customizable

You could edit the subscription title and description via siteMetadata

siteSubscription: {
  title: "Don't forget to signup the newsletters",
  description: "You'll get our most recent updates when we publish new contents"


Issue #8

Similar to subscription component, you could edit its content via siteMetadata

siteCookieConsent: {
  title: "",
  description: "",
  readMore: "",

Remove WEBP & AVIF from image sharp plugin to speed up build performance


2 years ago


  • html code highlight block to have wider width under smaller screen
  • disable heading anchor link under small screen
  • html a & code tag to have break words
  • html quote tag to have smaller text size under smaller screen
  • SubscriptionPanel to adapt mobile desgin
  • head title to be mutated with page redirection
  • some SEO schema issue
  • some other layout adjustment


2 years ago

Remove dependency of gatsby from gatsby-theme-pitayan to avoid version confusion.