GazePlay Save

Gazeplay is a free and open-source software which gathers several mini-games playable with an eye-tracker. Last version includes almost 60 games. Gazeplay est un logiciel libre et gratuit qui rassemble plusieurs mini-jeux jouables grâce à un occulomètre (Eye-tracker). La dernière version compte près de 60 jeux.

Project README

GazePlay build status

All information about GazePlay can be found at Download the latest version of the game in the releases tab.

Included Games

See here for a list of games included in the software.

Build from Source

You can build the project from source code by cloning this repository and following the BUILD instructions.


Please refer to the Contribution Guidelines.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "GazePlay" Project. README Source: GazePlay/GazePlay
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 month ago

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