Geoext3 Versions Save

A JavaScript framework that combines the GIS functionality of OpenLayers with all features of the ExtJS library


8 months ago
  • chore: update np 29462528
  • Update ol to version 8 412b9db1


1 year ago
  • Enhance the parsing of css font strings by a more secure way (#727) 10bd1353
  • Merge pull request #726 from chrismayer/no-passThroughFilter-wfs-store 0ae87f0e
  • Set passThroughFilter to false in WfsFeatureStore aed29584
  • Add Model for ArcGISRest (#725) 53afb795
  • Merge pull request #719 from marcjansen/vector-print 192d6559
  • Use a different print service URL 7f6a23ca
  • Merge pull request #720 from marcjansen/dependency-updates-and-audit 76b93ac5
  • Merge pull request #724 from marcjansen/ci-cosmetic-change 33d3b64c
  • Cosmetic change to the sed action 4f38784d
  • Merge pull request #723 from marcjansen/ci-fix-after-ol-upgrade a88f691c
  • Fix CI resource copying/referencing (aftermath of ol upgrade) e794c131
  • Merge pull request #722 from marcjansen/ci-maintained-ruby-action 9a3a5f17
  • Use a maintained GH action to setup ruby 12c859df
  • Merge pull request #721 from geographika/symbol-warnings 42a08b34
  • Remove "on" symbols 02412765
  • Merge pull request #718 from marcjansen/fix-spatial-filter-example d3520bf5
  • Fix some vulnerabilities 3a901ed9
  • Update lockfile ffe14379
  • Update several dev dependencies 7a7092b4
  • Fix issues when serializing ol icons for printing 5d4945d2
  • Correct name of geometry attribute in spatial filter example 511dfbe6
  • Merge pull request #716 from KaiVolland/ol7 d3dd7c36
  • fix Changelog version d3d6099c
  • fix modern examples 1b14512c
  • fix overviewMap component ddf6fc68
  • adpat Features store to ol7 2da42ee9
  • replace @geoext/openlayers-legacy with ol a5f3348f


1 year ago


  • Use latest ol6 57b1d75d
  • Add a hit tolerance to feature selection model. (#690) 9d955f5a


  • Stabilize OverviewMap creation with custom map (#708) f1befd60
  • Fix the grid map selection example bfd40eec
  • Fix broken examples after #686 120383f8
  • Fix on-tag workflow copy paste error 61cdc672
  • Fix on tag workflow (#702) dece2424
  • Fix for removing selected features throwing a key error 94c23b10
  • Add test for clear 4f2193e3
  • Use debouncing instead of aborting. 73d7d88e
  • Ensure correct selectedFeatures is used bbf304d1


3 years ago

This release updates the OpenLayers version to 6.5.0 and is the first version to use semantic versioning in GeoExt.

A step-by-step guide to update an application that uses geoext can be found here:,-geoext-4.0.0,-BasiGX-3.0.0


  • If a features store is configured with a layer this layer needs to be an ol.layer.Vector with an ol.source.Vector with a ol.Collection. That means, if you used it like this before, it will now throw an Error:
Ext.create('', {
  layer: new ol.layer.Vector({
    source: new ol.source.Vector()

If you change it to the following code it will work and keep the elements of the store, and the layer in sync.

Ext.create('', {
  layer: new ol.layer.Vector({
    source: new ol.source.Vector({
      features: new ol.Collection()
  • The OpenLayers version was updated to v6.5.0. To use this version run npm i @geoext/openlayers-legacy and include the ol.js and ol.css files from there.
  • Due to the OpenLayers update the OverviewMap no longer can use the same layers as the main map and always has to be provided own layers.
  • One of the bigger changes in OpenLayers is the removal of opt_this arguments. This not only true for .on and .un but also for forEachFeatureAtPixel and similar methods. If you do not call un on the method you can simply use .bind on the call. It you want to unbind the listener, either store a bound version of the listener or store the listenerKey returned by on and usw ol.Observable.unByKey.

Example 1 (un is not used):

map.on('moveend', this.doSomething, this);


map.on('moveend', this.doSomething.bind(this));

Example 2 (un is used):

Ext.define('SomeClass', {
  method1: function () {
    map.on('moveend', this.doSomething, this);
  method2: function () {
    map.un('moveend', this.doSomething, this);


Ext.define('SomeClass', {
  constructor: function () {
    this.doSomething = this.doSomething.bind(this); // store a bound version of the method
    this.callParent(arguments); // call parent afterwards in case the parent constructor calls method1 or method2
  method1: function () {
    map.on('moveend', this.doSomething);
  method2: function () {
    map.un('moveend', this.doSomething);
  • Note that the ol.Attribution class has been removed and can be replaced by simple html text
new ol.source.Vector({
  attributions: [new ol.Attribution({
    html: '© notice'


new ol.source.Vector({
  attributions: '© notice' // array is optional


  • Enforce collections for feature store. (#686)
  • Update openlayers to v6.5.0 (#651)


3 years ago

This is a feature release and the last release before version 4.0.0 with openlayers is released.

  • Customizable layer property synchronization between the store and the openlayers object (#683 and #688)
  • FeatureSelectionModel is now a mixin, adds FeatureCheckboxSelectionModel (#679)
  • Github repository was renamed from geoext3 to geoext
  • Wfs feature warnings are not logged if the transaction was aborted (#672)
  • Support printing of labels with offset (#670)


3 years ago

This is a bugfix release which includes a fix for the toggle mode in (#666). Additionally the dev dependenciy for linting was updated to the latest version (47b52669164d94604cf67c4795df49aa05337332).

Get the release from npm via npm install @geoext/geoext

Please see the API documentation or the API documentation including the ExtJS classes.

For a complete list of changes see v3.3.1...v3.3.2.


3 years ago

This is a bugfix release, mainly to fix the shown documentation on the npm page of GeoExt.

For a complete list of changes see v3.3.0...v3.3.1.


3 years ago

250 commits after v3.2.0, this release contains some new features & bugfixes, a bunch of enhancements and a lot of dependency updates by 10 contributors. Thanks to everyone involved in this release.

Some notable changes

  • A new selection model, see #522
  • Sortable WFS stores, see #534 (also many other WFS enhancements and fewer implementation specifics / better vendor independence)
  • More robust filters, see #545
  • More options for the GeocoderComboBox, see #574
  • Print serializer enhancements, see #597
  • Important changes to the generic OlObjects store, see #595
  • Hovering is now better configurable thanks to ignorePointerRestSelectors, see #643
  • Visibility changes in LayerTreeNodes are now as expected, #665

For a complete list of changes see v3.2.0...v3.3.0.


5 years ago

This is the first official release of the GeoExt v3.2.x series and it is intended to be used with OpenLayers 4.6.5 and ExtJS 6.2.0.

Some time and over 330 commits have passed since the last minor release v3.1.0, but we are still here and things are going forward. This update contains a whole bunch of new features and bugfixes. And another nice thing, geoext is now available as npm package from

On the other hand, the publishing of geoext as sencha package has been removed.

Some major features include:

For a complete list of changes from v3.1.0, see


5 years ago
  • Fixup dependencies of postinstall fb8d19c9