Geofeatures Versions Save

A lightweight, high performance geometry library.


5 years ago


  • Now requires Xcode 10.1 to build.
  • Now requires Cocoapods 1.6.0


  • Nullability of GFLineString - (GFPoint *) firstPoint and - (GFPoint *) lastPoint changed to _Nullable return type.
  • Nullability of GFGeometryCollection - (GFPoint *) firstGeometry and - (GFPoint *) lastGeometry changed to _Nullable return type.
  • Nullability of GFMultiLineString - (GFPoint *) firstGeometry and - (GFPoint *) lastGeometry changed to _Nullable return type.
  • Nullability of GFMultiPoint - (GFPoint *) firstGeometry and - (GFPoint *) lastGeometry changed to _Nullable return type.
  • Nullability of GFMultiPolygon - (GFPoint *) firstGeometry and - (GFPoint *) lastGeometry changed to _Nullable return type.


6 years ago
  • Removed deprecated abstract classes.
  • Adding documentation_url to podspec to point to internally generated docs.


6 years ago
  • Updated to build on Xcode 8.3.
  • Switched to Cocopods 1.3.1.
  • Reorganize and refactor code to eliminate warnings.
  • Moved boost outside the main code line.
  • Removed unused boost libraries; fusion, interprocess, graph, intrusive, archive, chrono, assign, date_time, dynamic_bitset, sprit, program_options, python, ratio, random, polygon, pending, parameter, multiprecision, and mpi.


7 years ago
  • Excluded non-darwin platform specific files for CocoaPods builds to avoid issues during compile.


7 years ago
  • Removal of some unused files in boost that were causing compile issues with CocoaPods 1.0.x
  • Internal directory case corrections


8 years ago

Removed throws requirement on:

  • area
  • length
  • perimeter
  • boundingBox
  • within
  • intersects


8 years ago

New Features

  • New algorithms implemented
    • Intersection
    • Difference
  • Improved Swift compatibility
    • Specific nullability attributes for all methods.
    • Swift methods added that throw Swift ErrorType instead of NSException.
    • Swift compatibility tests added.


8 years ago
  • Added support for OSX
  • Added intersects operation
  • Added intersects: other operation
  • Added isValid, area, length, boundingBox, within, intersects, intersects: other for GFGeometryCollection type
  • Performance improvements
  • Increased test coverage (including increased negative tests)


8 years ago

What's new:

  • Mutable classes for all geometry types
    • GFMutablePoint
    • GFMutableBox
    • GFMutableLineString
    • GFMutableRing
    • GFMutablePolygon
    • GFMutableMultiPoint
    • GFMutableMultiLIneString
    • GFMutableMultiPolygon
  • Increased test coverage for public interface.
  • Added simple Example application that can be run in simulator or the device.

What's fixed:

  • Several small bug fixes


8 years ago

New features in this release.

  • Swift support.
  • CocoaPod Framework support.