Geofeatures Versions Save

A lightweight, high performance geometry library.


8 years ago

The highlight of this release is the addition of accessors for all the geometry classes (issue #11). It also represents a major change in the inheritance hierarchy as depicted below.


The new hierarchy is backward compatible with the previous version provided the abstract classes have not been relied on (as specified in the previous version documentation).

In addition, the following changes have been introduced:

  • A GFRing type has been added to support the internal representation of GFPolygon.
  • GFPolygon now supports methods outerRing and innerRings. This class is a direct subclass of GFLineString and represents a closed GFLineString.
  • Several classes in the old hierarchy have been deprecated (GFPointAbstract, GFLineStringAbstract, and GFPolygonAbstract) with the intention of removing them in version 2. These classes where never meant to be used directly and if they we're not replied on, the change in the hierarchy should not affect existing uses of the library.
  • Indexed subscripting was introduced to all collection type classes (issue #27). This allows all collection type classes to allow syntax such as GFPoint * point = lineString[1];
  • Several bug fixes.
  • Many small documentation additions and fixes.
  • Test coverage was increased significantly.


8 years ago


8 years ago

What's in this release

  • Documentation fixes to make it clearer how to use the library.


8 years ago

Initial public release of GeoFeatures.


8 years ago

This release marks the break off point of the original code line.