Geopandas Versions Save

Python tools for geographic data


1 year ago

Small bug-fix release with this critical fix:

  • Fix the a regression in reading from URLs using geopandas.read_file (#2908). This restores the behaviour to download all data up-front before passing it to the underlying engine (fiona or pyogrio), except if the server supports partial requests (to support reading a subset of a large file).


1 year ago

New methods:

  • Added sample_points method to sample random points from Polygon or LineString geometries (#2860).
  • New hilbert_distance() method that calculates the distance along a Hilbert curve for each geometry in a GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame (#2297).
  • Support for sorting geometries (for example, using sort_values()) based on the distance along the Hilbert curve (#2070).
  • Added get_coordinates() method from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#2624).
  • Added minimum_bounding_circle() method from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#2621).
  • Added minimum_bounding_radius() as GeoSeries method (#2827).

Other new features and improvements:

  • The Parquet and Feather IO functions now support the latest 1.0.0-beta.1 version of the GeoParquet specification (<>) (#2663).
  • Added support to fill missing values in GeoSeries.fillna via another GeoSeries (#2535).
  • Support specifying min_zoom and max_zoom inside the map_kwds argument for .explore() (#2599).
  • Added support for append (mode="a" or append=True) in to_file() using engine="pyogrio" (#2788).
  • Added a to_wgs84 keyword to to_json allowing automatic re-projecting to follow the 2016 GeoJSON specification (#416).
  • to_json output now includes a "crs" field if the CRS is not the default WGS84 (#1774).
  • Improve error messages when accessing the geometry attribute of GeoDataFrame without an active geometry column related to the default name "geometry" being provided in the constructor (#2577)

Deprecations and compatibility notes:

  • Added warning that unary_union will return 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY' instead of None for all-None GeoSeries. (#2618)
  • The query_bulk() method of the spatial index .sindex property is deprecated in favor of query() (#2823).

Bug fixes:

  • Ensure that GeoDataFrame created from DataFrame is a copy, not a view (#2667)
  • Fix mismatch between geometries and colors in plot() if an empty or missing geometry is present (#2224)
  • Escape special characters to avoid TemplateSyntaxError in explore() (#2657)
  • Fix to_parquet/to_feather to not write an invalid bbox (with NaNs) in the metadata in case of an empty GeoDataFrame (#2653)
  • Fix to_parquet/to_feather to use correct WKB flavor for 3D geometries (#2654)
  • Fix read_file to avoid reading all file bytes prior to calling Fiona or Pyogrio if provided a URL as input (#2796)
  • Fix copy() downcasting GeoDataFrames without an active geometry column to a DataFrame (#2775)
  • Fix geometry column name propagation when GeoDataFrame columns are a multiindex (#2088)
  • Fix iterfeatures() method of GeoDataFrame to correctly handle non-scalar values when na='drop' is specified (#2811)
  • Fix issue with passing custom legend labels to plot (#2886)

Notes on (optional) dependencies:

  • GeoPandas 0.13 drops support pandas 1.0.5 (the minimum supported pandas version is now 1.1). Further, the minimum required versions for the listed dependencies have now changed to shapely 1.7.1, fiona 1.8.19, pyproj 3.0.1 and matplotlib 3.3.4 (#2655)


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! A total of 32 people contributed patches to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • 40% +
  • Brendan Ward
  • Dhruv Kapoor +
  • Dr Martin Black
  • Eric Kerfoot +
  • Ewout ter Hoeven
  • Frank Anema +
  • Isaac Boates
  • James McBride
  • Joris Van den Bossche
  • Kyle Barron
  • Levi Ob +
  • Martin Fleischmann
  • Matt Richards
  • Mike Taves
  • NoharaMasato +
  • Pieter Roggemans +
  • Rambaud Pierrick +
  • Ray Bell
  • Stefano Polloni +
  • Taha Soomro +
  • Tyler Caraza-Harter +
  • Vecko +
  • William Navarre +
  • Xiaokang Fu +
  • Yvonne Fröhlich +
  • anastassiavybornova +
  • dependabot[bot] +
  • github-actions[bot] +
  • rraymondgh
  • simberaj
  • wassname +


1 year ago

Bug fixes:

  • Correctly handle geometries with Z dimension in to_crs() when using PyGEOS or Shapely >= 2.0 (previously the z coordinates were lost) (#1345).
  • Assign Crimea to Ukraine in the naturalearth_lowres built-in dataset (#2670)


1 year ago

Small bug-fix release removing the shapely<2 pin in the installation requirements.


1 year ago

The highlight of this release is the support for Shapely 2.0. This makes it possible to test Shapely 2.0 (currently 2.0b1) alongside GeoPandas.

Note that if you also have PyGEOS installed, you need to set an environment variable (USE_PYGEOS=0) before importing geopandas to actually test Shapely 2.0 features instead of PyGEOS. See for more details.

New features and improvements:

  • Added normalize() method from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#2537).
  • Added make_valid() method from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#2539).
  • Added where filter to read_file (#2552).
  • Updated the distributed natural earth datasets (naturalearth_lowres and naturalearth_cities) to version 5.1 (#2555).

Deprecations and compatibility notes:

  • Accessing the crs of a GeoDataFrame without active geometry column was deprecated and this now raises an AttributeError (#2578).
  • Resolved colormap-related warning in .explore() for recent Matplotlib versions (#2596).

Bug fixes:

  • Fix cryptic error message in geopandas.clip() when clipping with an empty geometry (#2589).
  • Accessing gdf.geometry where the active geometry column is missing, and a column named "geometry" is present will now raise an AttributeError, rather than returning gdf["geometry"] (#2575).
  • Combining GeoSeries/GeoDataFrames with pandas.concat will no longer silently override CRS information if not all inputs have the same CRS (#2056).


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! A total of 17 people contributed patches to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Alan D. Snow
  • Alberto González Rosales +
  • Brendan Ward
  • Chris Arderne +
  • Clemens Korner +
  • Ewout ter Hoeven
  • Fred Bunt +
  • Giacomo Caria
  • James Gaboardi
  • Joris Van den Bossche
  • Martin Fleischmann
  • Matt Richards
  • Ray Bell
  • Shogo Hida +
  • Simone Parmeggiani +
  • keirayuki310 +
  • rraymondgh


1 year ago

Small bug-fix release:

  • Fix regression (RecursionError) in reshape methods such as unstack() and pivot() involving MultiIndex, or GeoDataFrame construction with MultiIndex (#2486).
  • Fix regression in GeoDataFrame.explode() with non-default geometry column name.
  • Fix regression in apply() causing row-wise all nan float columns to be casted to GeometryDtype (#2482).
  • Fix a crash in datetime column reading where the file contains mixed timezone offsets (#2479). These will be read as UTC localized values.
  • Fix a crash in datetime column reading where the file contains datetimes outside the range supported by [ns] precision (#2505).
  • Fix regression in passing the Parquet or Feather format version in to_parquet and to_feather. As a result, the version parameter for the to_parquet and to_feather methods has been replaced with schema_version. version will be passed directly to underlying feather or parquet writer. version will only be used to set schema_version if version is one of 0.1.0 or 0.4.0 (#2496).


2 years ago

Highlights of this release:

  • The geopandas.read_file() and GeoDataFrame.to_file() methods to read and write GIS file formats can now optionally use the pyogrio package under the hood through the engine="pyogrio" keyword. The pyogrio package implements vectorized IO for GDAL/OGR vector data sources, and is faster compared to the fiona-based engine (#2225).
  • GeoParquet support updated to implement v0.4.0 of the OpenGeospatial/GeoParquet specification (#2441). Backwards compatibility with v0.1.0 of the metadata spec (implemented in the previous releases of GeoPandas) is guaranteed, and reading and writing Parquet and Feather files will no longer produce a UserWarning (#2327).

New features and improvements:

  • Improved handling of GeoDataFrame when the active geometry column is lost from the GeoDataFrame. Previously, square bracket indexing gdf[[...]] returned a GeoDataFrame when the active geometry column was retained and a DataFrame was returned otherwise. Other pandas indexing methods (loc, iloc, etc) did not follow the same rules. The new behaviour for all indexing/reshaping operations is now as follows (#2329, #2060):

    • If operations produce a DataFrame containing the active geometry column, a GeoDataFrame is returned
    • If operations produce a DataFrame containing GeometryDtype columns, but not the active geometry column, a GeoDataFrame is returned, where the active geometry column is set to None (set the new geometry column with set_geometry())
    • If operations produce a DataFrame containing no GeometryDtype columns, a DataFrame is returned (this can be upcast again by calling set_geometry() or the GeoDataFrame constructor)
    • If operations produce a Series of GeometryDtype, a GeoSeries is returned, otherwise Series is returned.
    • Error messages for having an invalid geometry column have been improved, indicating the name of the last valid active geometry column set and whether other geometry columns can be promoted to the active geometry column (#2329).
  • Datetime fields are now read and written correctly for GIS formats which support them (e.g. GPKG, GeoJSON) with fiona 1.8.14 or higher. Previously, datetimes were read as strings (#2202).

  • folium.Map keyword arguments can now be specified as the map_kwds argument to GeoDataFrame.explore() method (#2315).

  • Add a new parameter style_function to GeoDataFrame.explore() to enable plot styling based on GeoJSON properties (#2377).

  • It is now possible to write an empty GeoDataFrame to a file for supported formats (#2240). Attempting to do so will now emit a UserWarning instead of a ValueError.

  • Fast rectangle clipping has been exposed as GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame.clip_by_rect() (#1928).

  • The mask parameter of GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame.clip() now accepts a rectangular mask as a list-like to perform fast rectangle clipping using the new GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame.clip_by_rect() (#2414).

  • Bundled demo dataset naturalearth_lowres has been updated to version 5.0.1 of the source, with field ISO_A3 manually corrected for some cases (#2418).

Deprecations and compatibility notes:

  • The active development branch of geopandas on GitHub has been renamed from master to main (#2277).
  • Deprecated methods GeometryArray.equals_exact() and GeometryArray.almost_equals() have been removed. They should be replaced with GeometryArray.geom_equals_exact() and GeometryArray.geom_almost_equals() respectively (#2267).
  • Deprecated CRS functions explicit_crs_from_epsg(), epsg_from_crs() and get_epsg_file_contents() were removed (#2340).
  • Warning about the behaviour change to GeoSeries.isna() with empty geometries present has been removed (#2349).
  • Specifying a CRS in the GeoDataFrame/GeoSeries constructor which contradicted the underlying GeometryArray now raises a ValueError (#2100).
  • Specifying a CRS in the GeoDataFrame constructor when no geometry column is provided and calling GeoDataFrame. set_crs on a GeoDataFrame without an active geometry column now raise a ValueError (#2100)
  • Passing non-geometry data to theGeoSeries constructor is now fully deprecated and will raise a TypeError (#2314). Previously, a pandas.Series was returned for non-geometry data.
  • Deprecated GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame set operations __xor__(), __or__(), __and__() and __sub__(), and now emit FutureWarning instead of DeprecationWarning and will be completely removed in a future release.
  • Accessing the crs of a GeoDataFrame without active geometry column is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 0.12 (#2373).

Bug fixes:

  • GeoSeries.to_frame now creates a GeoDataFrame with the geometry column name set correctly (#2296)
  • Fix pickle files created with pygeos installed can not being readable when pygeos is not installed (#2237).
  • Fixed UnboundLocalError in GeoDataFrame.plot() using legend=True and missing_kwds (#2281).
  • Fix explode() incorrectly relating index to columns, including where the input index is not unique (#2292)
  • Fix GeoSeries.[xyz] raising an IndexError when the underlying GeoSeries contains empty points (#2335). Rows corresponding to empty points now contain np.nan.
  • Fix GeoDataFrame.iloc raising a TypeError when indexing a GeoDataFrame with only a single column of GeometryDtype (#1970).
  • Fix GeoDataFrame.iterfeatures() not returning features with the same field order as GeoDataFrame.columns (#2396).
  • Fix GeoDataFrame.from_features() to support reading GeoJSON with null properties (#2243).
  • Fix GeoDataFrame.to_parquet() not intercepting engine keyword argument, breaking consistency with pandas (#2227)
  • Fix GeoDataFrame.explore() producing an error when column is of boolean dtype (#2403).
  • Fix an issue where GeoDataFrame.to_postgis() output the wrong SRID for ESRI authority CRS (#2414).
  • Fix GeoDataFrame.from_dict/from_features classmethods using GeoDataFrame rather than cls as the constructor.
  • Fix GeoDataFrame.plot() producing incorrect colors with mixed geometry types when colors keyword is provided. (#2420)

Notes on (optional) dependencies:

  • GeoPandas 0.11 drops support for Python 3.7 and pandas 0.25 (the minimum supported pandas version is now 1.0.5). Further, the minimum required versions for the listed dependencies have now changed to shapely 1.7, fiona 1.8.13.post1, pyproj 2.6.1.post1, matplotlib 3.2, mapclassify 2.4.0 (#2358, #2391)


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! A total of 31 people contributed patches to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Akylzhan Sauranbay +
  • Alan D. Snow
  • Alyssa Ross +
  • Andreas Meier +
  • Andrii Oriekhov +
  • Brendan Ward
  • Ewout ter Hoeven +
  • Guillaume Lostis +
  • James McBride
  • Joris Van den Bossche
  • Karol Zlot +
  • Koshy Thomas +
  • Martin Fleischmann
  • Martina Oefelein +
  • Matt Richards
  • Mike Taves
  • Mjumbe Poe +
  • Nathan Lis +
  • Nicolò Lucchesi +
  • RadMagnus +
  • Ray Bell
  • Ryan +
  • Will Schlitzer
  • bstadlbauer +
  • clausmichele +
  • froast +
  • joooeey +
  • readthedocs-assistant +
  • rraymondgh +
  • ryanward-io +
  • simberaj


2 years ago

Small bug-fix release:

  • Fix regression in overlay() in case no geometries are intersecting (but have overlapping total bounds) (#2172).
  • Fix regression in overlay() with keep_geom_type=True in case the overlay of two geometries in a GeometryCollection with other geometry types (#2177).
  • Fix overlay() to honor the keep_geom_type keyword for the op="differnce" case (#2164).
  • Fix regression in plot() with a mapclassify scheme in case the formatted legend labels have duplicates (#2166).
  • Fix a bug in the explore() method ignoring the vmin and vmax keywords in case they are set to 0 (#2175).
  • Fix unary_union to correctly handle a GeoSeries with missing values (#2181).
  • Avoid internal deprecation warning in clip() (#2179).


2 years ago

Small bug-fix release:

  • Fix regression in overlay() with non-overlapping geometries and a non-default how (i.e. not "intersection") (#2157).


2 years ago

Highlights of this release:

  • A new sjoin_nearest() method to join based on proximity, with the ability to set a maximum search radius (#1865). In addition, the sindex attribute gained a new method for a "nearest" spatial index query (#1865, #2053).
  • A new explore() method on GeoDataFrame and GeoSeries with native support for interactive visualization based on folium / leaflet.js (#1953)
  • The geopandas.sjoin()/overlay()/clip() functions are now also available as methods on the GeoDataFrame (#2141, #1984, #2150).

New features and improvements:

  • Add support for pandas' value_counts() method for geometry dtype (#2047).
  • The explode() method has a new ignore_index keyword (consistent with pandas' explode method) to reset the index in the result, and a new index_parts keywords to control whether a cumulative count indexing the parts of the exploded multi-geometries should be added (#1871).
  • points_from_xy() is now available as a GeoSeries method from_xy (#1936).
  • The to_file() method will now attempt to detect the driver (if not specified) based on the extension of the provided filename, instead of defaulting to ESRI Shapefile (#1609).
  • Support for the storage_options keyword in read_parquet() for specifying filesystem-specific options (e.g. for S3) based on fsspec (#2107).
  • The read/write functions now support ~ (user home directory) expansion (#1876).
  • Support the convert_dtypes() method from pandas to preserve the GeoDataFrame class (#2115).
  • Support WKB values in the hex format in GeoSeries.from_wkb() (#2106).
  • Update the estimate_utm_crs() method to handle crossing the antimeridian with pyproj 3.1+ (#2049).
  • Improved heuristic to decide how many decimals to show in the repr based on whether the CRS is projected or geographic (#1895).
  • Switched the default for geocode() from GeoCode.Farm to the Photon geocoding API ( (#2007).

Deprecations and compatibility notes:

  • The op= keyword of sjoin() to indicate which spatial predicate to use for joining is being deprecated and renamed in favor of a new predicate= keyword (#1626).
  • The cascaded_union attribute is deprecated, use unary_union instead (#2074).
  • Constructing a GeoDataFrame with a duplicated "geometry" column is now disallowed. This can also raise an error in the pd.concat(.., axis=1) function if this results in duplicated active geometry columns (#2046).
  • The explode() method currently returns a GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame with a MultiIndex, with an additional level with indices of the parts of the exploded multi-geometries. For consistency with pandas, this will change in the future and the new index_parts keyword is added to control this.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix in the clip() function to correctly clip MultiPoints instead of leaving them intact when partly outside of the clip bounds (#2148).
  • Fix GeoSeries.isna() to correctly return a boolean Series in case of an empty GeoSeries (#2073).
  • Fix the GeoDataFrame constructor to preserve the geometry name when the argument is already a GeoDataFrame object (i.e. GeoDataFrame(gdf)) (#2138).
  • Fix loss of the values' CRS when setting those values as a column (GeoDataFrame.__setitem__) (#1963)
  • Fix in GeoDataFrame.apply() to preserve the active geometry column name (#1955).
  • Fix in sjoin() to not ignore the suffixes in case of a right-join (how="right) (#2065).
  • Fix GeoDataFrame.explode() with a MultiIndex (#1945).
  • Fix the handling of missing values in to/from_wkb and to_from_wkt (#1891).
  • Fix to_file() and to_json() when DataFrame has duplicate columns to raise an error (#1900).
  • Fix bug in the colors shown with user-defined classification scheme (#2019).
  • Fix handling of the path_effects keyword in plot() (#2127).
  • Fix GeoDataFrame.explode() to preserve attrs (#1935)

Notes on (optional) dependencies:

  • GeoPandas 0.9.0 dropped support for Python 3.6 and pandas 0.24. Further, the minimum required versions are numpy 1.18, shapely 1.6, fiona 1.8, matplotlib 3.1 and pyproj 2.2.
  • Plotting with a classification schema now requires mapclassify version >= 2.4 (#1737).
  • Compatibility fixes for the latest numpy in combination with Shapely 1.7 (#2072)
  • Compatibility fixes for the upcoming Shapely 1.8 (#2087).
  • Compatibility fixes for the latest PyGEOS (#1872, #2014) and matplotlib


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! A total of 29 people contributed patches to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Adrian Garcia Badaracco
  • Alan D. Snow
  • Alison Hopkin +
  • Andreas Eliasson +
  • Ariel Núñez +
  • Brendan Ward
  • Daniel Mesejo-León +
  • Flavin
  • Imanol
  • James A. Bednar +
  • James McBride
  • James Myatt +
  • John Flavin +
  • Joris Van den Bossche
  • Martin Fleischmann
  • Matt Richards +
  • Matthew Law +
  • Mike Taves
  • Murat Can Üste +
  • Qiusheng Wu +
  • Ray Bell +
  • TLouf +
  • Tom Augspurger +
  • Tom Russell +
  • Zero +
  • danielpallen +
  • m-richards +
  • simberaj +
  • standakozak +