Geoplot Versions Save

High-level geospatial data visualization library for Python.


2 years ago

This release fixes some regressions in the unit tests. User-facing code is the same as in version 0.5.1.


2 years ago

This maintenance release includes the follows breaking changes:

  • The minimum Python version has been raised to 3.7, as Python 3.6 has now reached EOL (#270).
  • The handling of certain parameters (namely: legend, cmap, and hue) to geoplot.kdeplot has been changed. Previously these parameters were interpreted by geoplot directly. Now they are simply passed down to the underlying seaborn.kdeplot instance (#271, #272).

This maintenance release includes the following non-breaking changes:

  • Removed the deprecation warning for the long-removed k parameter (#273).
  • Fixed various deprecation notices in underlying libraries (#268, #269).
  • Miscellaneous minor fixes in code and docs.


2 years ago

This release pins geopandas to the minimum supported version. Due to descartes bit-rotting, we now rely on the PolygonPatch implementation internal to geopandas>=0.9.0 (the most recent major version, at time of writing). See further, #238, #249.


2 years ago

This maintenance release fixes a few bugs, updates the projection list (#243), and removes this library's dependency on the no-longer-maintained descartes library ( #238).

Note: 0.4.2 was skipped due to a bug (#245).


4 years ago

This is a maintenance release mostly fixing deprecations caused by changes in geopandas and contextily.

There is one minor user-facing change: the API for providing webmap tiles to webmap has changed. Refer to the documentation for details.


4 years ago

This release is a major breaking refactor of the colormap parameters in geoplot.

Changes to the scheme parameter and the removal of k parameter

In previous versions of geoplot, categorical colormaps were specified by a combination of the scheme and k string parameters. For example:

import geoplot as gplt
df = gpd.read_file(gplt.datasets.get_path('usa_cities'))
gplt.pointplot(df, hue='ELEV_IN_FT', cmap='viridis', scheme='EqualInterval', k=5)

In versions of geoplot 0.4.0 and later, the code to do this is now:

gplt.pointplot(df, hue='ELEV_IN_FT', cmap='viridis', scheme='EqualInterval')

Or this:

import mapclassify as mc
scheme = mc.EqualInterval(df['ELEV_IN_FT'], k=5)
gplt.pointplot(df, hue='ELEV_IN_FT', cmap='viridis', scheme=scheme)

This changeset was implemented primarily to make it possible to share the same colormap across plots. This was previously very difficult to do: see #163 and #182 for further context.

Other changes

This update also includes a number of minor bugfixes and docs changes.


4 years ago

This is a GitHub-only release with no code changes w.r.t. version 0.3.2. This release was necessitated by the Zenedo DOI creation workflow.


4 years ago

This release brings a revamped test suite and a variety of bug fixes to geoplot, as well as one breaking change:

  • The default behavior of the hue variable has changed. Previously, a categorical colormap with k=5 was the default. Now, a continuous colormap with k=None is the default.


4 years ago

This is an incremental release that fixes some bugs and adds some new features to geoplot.

  • The default extent determination code has been improved.
  • A plot type, webmap, and henceforth a new dependency, contextily (#169).
  • A new projection type, WebMercator, usable but all plot types but especially relevant to the new webmap plot type.
  • All plots that support the hue visual parameter now additionally support a norm parameter for performing colormap normalization (#168).
  • Inputting a Series or GeoSeries to a parameter that accepts flexible types now correctly uses the input data's index (#165).

Also, while this is now a code change, geoplot now has an official Gitter room! Go there to ask questions about working with or developing on this library.


4 years ago

This release is the first comprehensive overhaul of geoplot since its initial design and release in early 2017. While this release adds no new "large-scale" features, you can except a much more polished user experience with 0.3.0 than previously existed.

Breaking changes include (highlights in bold):

  • The categorical argument has been removed. geoplot will now infer when a column is categorical automatically.
  • The overly complicated aggplot plot type has been removed and replaced with the simplified quadtree. Most parameters are the same, but the convex hull and auto-choropleth features have been removed.
  • Plots now use the center of the GeoDataFrame bounding box geometry (via GeoDataFrame.total_bounds) instead of the cumulative average of the individual geometries, which is both faster and more accurate.
  • The order of arguments for the extent parameter has changed. Previously it took a tuple of (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); now it takes a tuple of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), for compatibility with GeoDataFrame.total_bounds.
  • When overplotting multiple plots on a single axis, the projection now need only be specified once, instead of once per plot function.
  • The sankey has been reworked. path, from, and to have been removed; line geometries are now read from the GeoDataFrame instead of transformed just-in-time. This brings sankey more in line with the rest of the plots in the geoplot.
  • The trace and trace_kwargs parameters have been removed from cartogram. To add a trace to a cartogram plot, overplot a polyplot instead.
  • cmap now defaults to viridis (as in matplotlib) instead of Set1.
  • The minimum Python version has been raised from 3.5 to 3.6.
  • polyplot now defaults to zorder=-1 (e.g. "bottom of the plot").
  • kdeplot now defaults to shade_lowest=False.
  • The vmin and vmax parameters have been removed.

Other changes include:

  • A number of edge cases have been addressed and reliability has been improved, particularly in the case of the voronoi and quadtree plot types.
  • Certain common bad combinations of parameters will now raise helpful error messages instead of failing inexplicably or doing the wrong thing.
  • The documentation has been completely rewritten for ease of use and clarity.
  • Certain parameters like clip now accept more types of inputs.
  • Code has been refactored with new Plot and {Feature}Mixin classes, which greatly increases code reuse and extensibility and will make adding new plot types in the future much easier.