Gif Msg Versions Save

Hide 127 bytes in a gif without touching any pixels or colors


4 years ago


  • AES Static Encryption is now supported out of the box
  • smaz compression is now supported out of the box. PySmaz was used due to gif-msg being natively in python.
  • Moved argument parsing to argparse. Commands & cli interface is much cleaner now.

Bug Fixes:

  • Gifs are now put through the gifsicle encoder after the PIL encoder so their size is optimized.


4 years ago

Bug Fixes:

  • Implemented support for transparency in the gifs

Known Bugs:

  • Gifs that have duplicate colors will break the algorithm and are therefore not supported


4 years ago


  • Added encoder that can put 128 bytes into a gif without changing any of the pixels or colours.