Github Changelog Generator Versions Save

Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.


3 years ago
  • #966 Feature: Allow named markdown links - Thank you, @kikito!
  • #967: Fix: Directly handle rate limiting using client.rate_limit.resets_in. Thanks, @ioquatix!


3 years ago
  • #963 require "yaml" before use. Avoids an issue with the --front-matter option.


3 years ago

1.16.2 (2021-04-28)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Configure a Docker Automated build #644

Fixed bugs:

  • Getting an error: 'list_issues': wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 0..2) (ArgumentError) #952

Closed issues:

  • Error generating change log using >=1.16.0 #956
  • Unable to run, undefined method `include?' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) #954
  • Docker images are not published for new releases #951
  • Not all options listed in OptionParser have optional arguments #945
  • Add Ruby 3 to CI, make it pass #928
  • SSL error on Windows with docker #894

Merged pull requests:


3 years ago
  • Fix #942: Custom Rake task with a specific name raised an ArgumentError.


3 years ago

This is a new features & bug fixes release, which also drops support for EOL versions of Ruby. Ruby 2.5 and newer are supported.



Bugs fixed


3 years ago


3 years ago


4 years ago


5 years ago

v1.15.0-rc (2017-10-29)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Add option --require to load custom Ruby code before starting #574 (olleolleolle)

Fixed bugs:

  • issue_line_labels and breaking_labels fail as rake file config params #583

Merged pull requests:


6 years ago

v1.15.0.pre.alpha (2017-10-01)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

  • Credit line bug #541
  • Bug: Credit line about this project added more than once #507
  • v1.14.0 Fails with missing /tmp/ path on Windows #458
  • failure when creating changelog from a repo in an orginazation: can't convert Github::ResponseWrapper to Array #253
  • warn_if_nonmatching_regex should display proper help message when used with exclude-tags-regex #551 (lacostej)
  • Bugfix: require ActiveSupport core_ext/blank #520 (olleolleolle)
  • Create temporary cache files in Dir.tmpdir #459 (olleolleolle)

Closed issues:

  • error (Windows: Command exited with code 1) #536
  • Error in generating changelog on Windows #521
  • Crash on start #512
  • Error On Running Generation Command #511
  • Not working #510
  • PR cited in the wrong TAG #503
  • 404 Not Found Error #484

Merged pull requests: