Go Whosonfirst Libpostal Save

Go tools for working with libpostal (sometimes in the service of Who's On First)

Project README


Go tools for working with libpostal (sometimes in the service of Who's On First)


Make sure you have Go and libpostal installed. Then

make bin


$> ./bin/wof-libpostal-server -options

Usage of wof-libpostal-server:
	Enable logging. (default true)
  -host string
    	The hostname to listen for requests on (default "localhost")
  -port int
    	The port number to listen for requests on (default 8080)

Note you will need to install the underlying libpostal C library yourself in order for wof-libpostal-server to work.

wof-libpostal-server exposes the following endpoints:


GET /expand ?address=ADDRESS

This endpoint accepts a single address parameter and expands it into one or more normalized forms suitable for geocoder queries.

curl -s -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/expand?address=475+Sansome+St+San+Francisco+CA' | python -mjson.tool
    "475 sansome saint san francisco california",
    "475 sansome saint san francisco ca",
    "475 sansome street san francisco california",
    "475 sansome street san francisco ca"

GET /parse ?address=ADDRESS

This endpoint accepts a single address parameter and parses it in to its components.

curl -s -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/parse?address=475+Sansome+St+San+Francisco+CA' | python -mjson.tool
        "label": "house_number",
        "value": "475"
        "label": "road",
        "value": "sansome st"
        "label": "city",
        "value": "san francisco"
        "label": "state",
        "value": "ca"

See also

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Go Whosonfirst Libpostal" Project. README Source: whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-libpostal
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Last Commit
4 years ago

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