Go Xml Save

utility and code-generation libraries for XML

Project README

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Requires go 1.9 or greater for golang.org/x/html dependency.

go get aqwari.net/xml/...

This repository contains a collection of Go packages for working with XML, with the ultimate goal of enabling code generation based on XML documents.

  • The xmltree package converts xml documents to a tree data structure, and provides convenient methods for manipulating and searching through that tree.
  • The xsd package implements a parser for XML Schema. It takes some liberties from the specification, and would need some work for use as a validator, but it handles type inheritance and XML namespaces in a relatively sane way.
  • The xsdgen package provides a customizable code generator that generates Go type declarations and marshal/unmarshal methods for an XML Schema.
  • The wsdl package parses Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) files, which describe a (usually) SOAP web service.
  • The wsdlgen package generates Go source code from WSDL files.
  • The xsdgen and wsdlgen commands generate Go code with default settings and are suitable for use with go generate.

The directory wsdlgen/examples contains packages that were (mostly) automatically generated using the wsdlgen package. You can run

go generate

within the subdirectories to re-generate the code if you make changes to the wsdlgen package. This code is still very rough around the edges, but I have succesfully used it to generate type declarations for some pretty complex XML schema from an Apache Axis application. There are github issues opened for missing functionality.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Go Xml" Project. README Source: droyo/go-xml
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 month ago

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