GodotRoguelikeDemo Save

A Roguelike demo made with Godot engine.

Project README

Godot Roguelike Demo

This is a Roguelike demo made with Godot engine 3.2.1. The GUI font is Fira Code. The tileset, curses_vector, is created by DragonDePlatino for Dwarf Fortress.

When the game starts, there is a square block of walls in the map center and three to six enemies appear at random positions. Press arrow keys to move PC. Wall blocks movement. Kill NPC by bumping. NPC sends a warning message when PC is nearby. There is an counter to show how many turns have passed since the game begins.

The demo is finished. You can download the executable file from the release page. There is also a tutorial to guide you to make a similar one yourself.

The game supports keyboard and Xbox controller. Below are the list of keybindings:

  • Move: Arrow keys, Vi keys, [Directional pad].
  • Wait: Period, [A].
  • Start or reload: Space, [Y].
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "GodotRoguelikeDemo" Project. README Source: Bozar/GodotRoguelikeDemo
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4 years ago

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