GoldenCheetah Save

Performance Software for Cyclists, Runners, Triathletes and Coaches

Project README



GoldenCheetah is a desktop application for cyclists and triathletes and coaches

  • Analyse using summary metrics like BikeStress, TRIMP or RPE
  • Extract insight via models like Critical Power and W'bal
  • Track and predict performance using models like Banister and PMC
  • Optimise aerodynamics using Virtual Elevation
  • Train indoors with ANT and BTLE trainers
  • Upload and Download with many cloud services including Strava, Withings and Todays Plan
  • Import and export data to and from a wide range of bike computers and file formats
  • Track body measures, equipment use and setup your own metadata to track

GoldenCheetah provides tools for users to develop their own own metrics, models and charts

  • A high-performance and powerful built-in scripting language
  • Local Python runtime or embedding a user installed runtime
  • Embedded user installed R runtime

GoldenCheetah supports community sharing via the Cloud

  • Upload and download user developed metrics
  • Upload and download user, Python or R charts
  • Import indoor workouts from the ErgDB
  • Share anonymised data with researchers via the OpenData initiative

GoldenCheetah is free for everyone to use and modify, released under the GPL v2 open source license with pre-built binaries for Mac, Windows and Linux.


Golden Cheetah install and build instructions are documented for each platform;

INSTALL-WIN32 For building on Microsoft Windows

INSTALL-LINUX For building on Linux

INSTALL-MAC For building on Apple MacOS

macOS and Linux: Build Status

Windows: Build status

Coverity Status

Official release builds, snapshots and development builds are all available from


If you are looking for the NOTIO fork of GoldenCheetah it can be found here:

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "GoldenCheetah" Project. README Source: GoldenCheetah/GoldenCheetah
Open Issues
Last Commit
2 weeks ago

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