Gotify Server Versions Save

A simple server for sending and receiving messages in real-time per WebSocket. (Includes a sleek web-ui)


1 week ago
  • Add application icons to sidebar (#405 via #602) by @mateuscelio
  • Add listen on unix sockets (#237 via #621) by @LaurenceJJones
  • Log x-forwarded-for in request log (#554 via #624) by @LaurenceJJones
  • Don't disable the refresh button when there are no messages (#636 via #637) by @iarp
  • Show loading animation when loading messages (#658 via #660) by @MexHigh
  • Update backend dependencies (#661)


9 months ago
  • Add "last used" time to clients and applications (#400 via #582 by @eternal-flame-AD)
  • Update to go 1.21.1 & update dependencies


11 months ago
  • Add default priority for applications (#312 via #578 by @chrispruitt)

  • (this is only relevant if you package gotify yourself, or are a package maintainer): Change static file embedding. Gotify now uses go:embed, so you'll need to remove the make embed-static or go run hack/packr/packr.go when building gotify/server. by @eternal-flame-AD


1 year ago
  • Add copy application/client secret button
  • Suppress /health logging from in logs
  • Disallow specifying the client id when creating a new client
  • Change time format in logs
  • Add endpoint to delete an application image


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

This release is an addition to the previous release, it prevents the XSS if it was already exploited. The previous release prevented uploading new malicious files, and this release will prevent opening the malicious files if they already exist.


1 year ago

Fix an XSS vulnerability in the application file upload. It allowed authenticated users to upload .html files. With that, an attacker could execute client side scripts if another user opened a link such as: (#534)


1 year ago

Re-release of version 2.1.6 with lower glibc requirements (>=2.28) for pre-built binaries.