Grafana Stack Save

Tiny docker images for graphite, grafana and statsdly

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Grafana stack

Tiny docker images for grafana, graphite and statsdly (statsd implementation). For example, grafana-4.6.3 ~ 90M, graphite-1.1.1 ~ 125M, statsdly-0.4.1 ~ 33M. All images are build from official sources with sane (read very opinionated :) configuration defaults.

Docker network

Grafana needs access to graphite so you should create a docker network, use links (deprecated) or use docker-compose. All examples below assume grafana-stack network.

docker network create grafana-stack


Dockerhub: baverman/graphite.

Start container:

mkdir -p data/carbon
export DOCKER_USER=$(id -u):$(id -g)
docker run -d --name graphite -p 2003:2003 --restart unless-stopped --network grafana-stack \
           -v $PWD/data/carbon:/data -u $DOCKER_USER baverman/graphite

This command will start graphite-web and carbon-cache services under current user. Only 2003 TCP port (carbon text protocol) will be exposed and all data will be written to data/carbon directory.


  • 2003: carbon text protocol.
  • 8080: graphite-web application, needed for grafana to fetch metrics, it's better to not expose it to public until you configure authorization.
  • 7002: carbon cache interface to get metrics data.


  • /data: carbon and graphite-web storage dir.

  • /conf: directory with all config files. Image includes default configs but one can override any by mounting own /conf volume. Obtaining default /conf/carbon.conf:

    docker run --rm baverman/graphite / /tpl/carbon.conf > /tmp/carbon.conf

Environment variables:

  • CC_*: Overrides settings from carbon.conf [cache] section. For example you can set CC_MAX_UPDATES_PER_SECOND=100 to limit IOPS.

  • CARBON_STORAGE_SCHEMA_*: control retention policies in storage-schemas.conf. Format is pattern|retentions. You can define any number of variables. Default retentions are:


    IMPORTANT! Default minimal retention is 60s, you MUST configure carbon clients to flush metrics not more often than once in every 60s or you will loose data.

  • CARBON_STORAGE_AGG_*: control aggregation policies in storage-aggregation.conf. Format is pattern|xFilesFactor|aggregationMethod. You can define any number of variables. Default aggregations are:


    Metrics ending with .count can be used to precisely store counters.

Build image:

./graphite/ [name] [graphite-version] [tag]


Dockerhub: baverman/grafana.

Start container:

mkdir -p data/grafana
export DOCKER_USER=$(id -u):$(id -g)
docker run -d --name grafana -p 3000:3000 --restart unless-stopped --network grafana-stack \
           -v $PWD/data/grafana:/data -u $DOCKER_USER baverman/grafana

This command will start grafana service under current user. Only 3000 TCP port (HTTP) will be exposed and all data will be written to data/grafana directory.

And you can add http://graphite:8080/ as graphite datasource with 1.1.x version.


  • 3000: Grafana HTTP port.


  • /data: grafana storage dir.

Environment variables:

You can override any grafana settings via envvars.

  • GF_SERVER_DOMAIN: domain.
  • GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL: root url.
  • GF_SECURITY_SECRET_KEY: secret key to sign up cookies.

Build image:

./grafana/ [name] [grafana-version] [sha256-src-checksum] [tag]


Dockerhub: baverman/statsdly.

Start container:

export DOCKER_USER=$(id -u):$(id -g)
docker run -d --name statsdly -p 8125:8125/udp --restart unless-stopped --network grafana-stack \
           -u $DOCKER_USER baverman/statsdly -l -g graphite -f 60

This command will start statsdly service (a StatsD implementation) on 8125 UDP port with 60s flush interval and service will forward metrics to graphite host.


  • 8125: StatsD UDP port.

Build image:

./statsdly/ [name] [statsdly-version] [tag]
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Grafana Stack" Project. README Source: baverman/grafana-stack
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3 years ago

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