Grid Map Versions Save

Universal grid map library for mobile robotic mapping


3 years ago


6 years ago
  • Release of new package to convert grid maps to signed distance fields.
  • Several new grid map filters for flexible processing of grid maps:
    • Math expression filter based on EigenLab,
    • Sliding window math expression filter,
    • Normal vector and curvature filter,
    • Color map, normal color, light intensity filter,
    • ... and more!
  • Added new sliding window iterator.
  • Added new thickenLine(), triangulation, and bounding box method to polygon.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with OpenCV 3.
  • Several bugfixes and performance improvements.


6 years ago
  • Last release for ROS Jade
  • Fixes error in grid_map_rviz_plugin when rendering lines.


6 years ago
  • Added backwards compatibility for costmap_2d conversion in grid_map_ros (#111).


6 years ago
  • Added new package for octomap to grid map conversion (including demo).
  • Added new function for polygon triangulation.
  • Added new ROS converter for polygon to triangle lists.
  • Moved costmap_2d conversion into a separate package.
  • Improved efficiency of mesh conversion.
  • Improved visualization to support triangles in all directions.
  • Fixed transparency issue for grid maps in RViz. (#68).
  • Fixed return value in getQuadrant member function.
  • Fixed buffer handling bug for circular and ellipse iterators.
  • Fixed bug for change resolution function in OpenCV processing class (including unit tests). (#91).
  • Extend grid_map_cv unit test for transparent pixels/nan-values.
  • General performance improvements, cleanups, and bugfixes.


7 years ago
  • Added conversion for Costmap2D from ROS Navigation (#84).
  • Added linear interpolation method for data access (with increased efficiency).
  • Fixed conversion to/from images in float&double format.
  • Added Grid Map message traits to simplify code of the Grid Map RViz plugin (#87).
  • Addressing C++ compiler warnings.


7 years ago
  • Added new grid_map_pcl package to convert from PCL mesh to grid map.
  • Added functionality to display color from grid map layer.
  • Added better handling of basic layers in Grid Map RViz plugin.
  • Added functionality to invert rainbow colors in RViz plugin.
  • Improved transformation of images to color grid map layers.
  • Improved line iterator with start and end positions.
  • Added method to retrieve submap size for iterators.
  • Improved transformation of images to color grid map layers.
  • Fixing issues with order of include with Eigen (#67).


7 years ago
  • Added new package grid_map_rviz_plugin to visualize Grid Map messages as 3d surface plots in RViz (height maps).


8 years ago
  • Release for ROS Kinetic (also for Jade and Indigo).
  • Updated dependency to OpenCV for compatibility with OpenCV 2/3.
  • Fixed grid_map_loader demo.


8 years ago
  • Separated OpenCV to grid map conversions to new grid_map_cv package. The new methods are more generalized, faster, and can be used without ROS message types.
  • Added demos on how to use the new OpenCV conversion methods.
  • Several speed improvements and bugfixes.