Gridjs Versions Save

Advanced table plugin


4 months ago

6.2.0 (2024-03-03)

:rocket: New Feature

:bug: Bug Fix

  • #1334 Correctly set page prop back to 0 when resetPageOnUpdate is enabled (@cpba)
  • #1348 fix: made search input an uncontrolled component (@adamhwang)
  • #1353 fix: use relative path for named import (@youssef3wi)
  • #1358 fix: gridjs duplicate plugin error when updating config (@fpaz)
  • #1414 Fix: "types" added to export parameters (@theotheo)
  • #1417 #1416: Improve German translations (@GitRon)
  • #1428 fix: deepEqual exceed maximum call stack size (@ryuapp)

Committers: 11


5 months ago

6.1.1 (2024-01-15)

:rocket: New Feature

:bug: Bug Fix

Committers: 2


5 months ago

6.1.0 (2024-01-14)

:bug: Bug Fix

  • #1410 remove unnecessary structuredClone() call, simplify SortActions (@afshinm)
  • #1409 Fix the throttle function and upgrade to v6.1 (@afshinm)
  • #1408 Fix the multiple server-side requests bug (@afshinm)

:running_woman: Performance

  • #1410 remove unnecessary structuredClone() call, simplify SortActions (@afshinm)

Committers: 1


1 year ago

6.0.6 (2023-01-29)

:rocket: New Feature

Committers: 1


1 year ago

6.0.5 (2023-01-18)

:bug: Bug Fix

Committers: 1


1 year ago

6.0.4 (2023-01-17)

:bug: Bug Fix

:nail_care: Polish

  • #1287 fix(plugins/selection): remove the and other unused props (@afshinm)

Committers: 1


1 year ago

6.0.1 (2023-01-16)


There are a lot of breaking changes in the version, including how the state management is done internally and how plugins are written. However, if you don't use any internal APIs (like the EventEmitter, Store, etc) and you don't have any custom plugins, this version shouldn't impact you much. Otherwise, please make sure your plugins and custom integrations are thoroughly tested before upgrading to Grid.js 6.x.

:rocket: New Feature

:boom: Breaking Change

:bug: Bug Fix

:running_woman: Performance

Committers: 4

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

5.1.0 (2022-08-20)

:rocket: New Feature

:bug: Bug Fix

:house: Internal

Committers: 18


3 years ago

5.0.1 (2021-06-07)

BREAKING CHANGES: This release contains some breaking changes. Make sure you double check your import/requires before migrating to v5:

:rocket: New Feature

:house: Internal

Committers: 5


3 years ago

4.0.0 (2021-04-23)

Bug Fixes

  • updating rollup and adding the lang file (15a1c26)
  • resize: adding missing stopPropagation (03034f5)
  • resize: adding touch event support (880e48d)
  • resize: removing left and right classes (067b57e)
  • gridjs-temp must be position relative in order to calculate the cells width correctly (87de41f)
  • removing getWidth (57d887b)


  • resizable: adding resizable module + changing the ShadowTable algorithm (d91922d)