Hacktoberfest Census Save Abandoned

A census of those participating in Hacktoberfest (and an easy PR!)

Project README

Public Notice

This repository ceased to have active maintenance in 2017. Since then, Hacktoberfest organisers Digital Ocean have tightened their requirements for a PR to count towards the event. This repository has been archived now as many people may be mislead by it's existence, and so may mistakenly use it in Hacktoberfest. Thanks for contributing, and enjoy future Hacktoberfests!

Hacktoberfest Census

A census of those participating in Hacktoberfest (and an easy PR!)

This census has a live webpage here. It's automatically updated every time a PR is accepted!



Fork this project and add your username + profile link to the Census list below, then make a pull request to add your name to this repository like so:



Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Hacktoberfest Census" Project. README Source: Cutwell/Hacktoberfest-Census
Open Issues
Last Commit
3 years ago

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