Hacs Govee Versions Save

A HACS repository for Govee light integration


3 years ago


it has been long since the last release, seems most is running fine 👍 Today I have a simple and nice feature, you can set multiple params when automating a light.turn_on command:

entity_id: light.hallway_xxxxx
rgb_color: [255,0,255]
brightness: 255

The API makes it necessary to send them sequencially, and wait between the commands. So light will turn pink, and after a second will shine as bright as possible.

Well, your choice which colors, color temps, and/or brightness you like. I'll go and feed my unicorn. Bye.


3 years ago

Hope you like the new options menu on the integrations page - for now with two settings:

  • You can turn off the two buttons state after sending some command - switching this first checkbox tells home assistant that every status is final & from API
  • If your device is powered by a TV USB port you may want to switch the second checkbox, which tells home assistant the device is OFF when there is no connection.


3 years ago

Hi, I just re-added the labels in config flow and the translations. Also the documentation has some more information based on current user voices.

No functional update in that release.


3 years ago


I found some time to turn some coffee into code.

This is new:


3 years ago

Hi guys, just wanted to inform you, I made a HACS repository to get updates for the Govee integration.

Here is how it works:
