Heat.js Versions Save

🌞 A lightweight JavaScript library that generates customizable heat maps, charts, and statistics to visualize date-based activity and trends.


2 weeks ago

New Features:

  • Added export support for the global "$heat" object, which can now be imported as "heat.js".

Binding Options:

  • Added a new binding option called "title.showTitleDropDownHeaders", which states if the title drop-down should show the headers (defaults to true).

Public Functions:

  • Added a new public function called "import()", allowing data to be imported from files for a specific element ID instance.


1 month ago
  • All text translations now allow empty text to be passed (which will prevent them from defaulting to the English version).


1 month ago
  • Fixed a fault that caused the Day/Month names to appear centered in the Configuration dialog.
  • Added a new binding option called "title.showTitleDropDownButton", which states if the drop-down arrow next to the title text should be shown (defaults to true).
  • Added a new binding option called "description.urlTarget", which states the target for the link URL (defaults to "_blank").


3 months ago

Binding Options:

  • BREAKING: The binding attribute "data-heat-options" has been renamed to "data-heat-js".
  • BREAKING: Removed the binding option "keepScrollPositions".
  • BREAKING: All title bar related binding options are now available under a new area called "title".
  • BREAKING: All guide related binding options are now available under a new area called "guide".
  • BREAKING: Renamed "guide.showGuide" to "guide.enabled".
  • BREAKING: All binding option events are now available under a new area called "events".
  • BREAKING: All binding options for descriptions (text and link) are now available under a new area called "description".
  • BREAKING: All binding options for tooltips (text and delay) are now available under a new area called "tooltip".
  • Added a new binding option called "views.map.keepScrollPositions", which states if the scroll positions should be kept when the view is refreshed (or moving year to year, defaults to false).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.chart.keepScrollPositions", which states if the scroll positions should be kept when the view is refreshed (or moving year to year, defaults to false).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.days.keepScrollPositions", which states if the scroll positions should be kept when the view is refreshed (or moving year to year, defaults to false).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.statistics.keepScrollPositions", which states if the scroll positions should be kept when the view is refreshed (or moving year to year, defaults to false).


  • Faster reading of internal defaults for binding parameters.


  • Fixed a fault that caused the "Chart" view to show the incorrect Y-Labels when months with the largest values are hidden.


3 months ago

Version 3.0.0:

New Features:

  • Added a new configuration icon to the main display, which will allow the Days/Months to be toggled easily per view!
  • Added a brand new view called "Days", which will allow you to see the counts for the days of the week for the entire year.
  • Redesigned the title drop-down menu.

Binding Options:

  • Added a new binding option called "showConfigurationButton", which states if the configuration dialog can be used (defaults to true).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.days.enabled", which states if this view is enabled (defaults to true).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.days.showChartYLabels", which states if the chart Y axis labels should be shown (defaults to true).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.days.showDayNames", which states if the day names are shown (defaults to true).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.days.showInReverseOrder", which states if the chart should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.days.showDayNumbers", which states if the day counts should be shown in the lines (defaults to false).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.days.monthsToShow", which states the months that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.days.daysToShow", which states the days that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]).

Binding Options - Custom Triggers:

  • Added a new binding option custom trigger called "onOptionsUpdate", which triggers an event when the binding options are updated.
  • Added a new binding option custom trigger called "onWeekDayClick", which triggers an event when a weekday is clicked in the "Days" view.

Configuration Options:

  • Added a new binding option called "closeToolTipText", which states the text that should be shown for the tooltip "Close".
  • Added a new binding option called "configurationToolTipText", which states the text that should be shown for the tooltip "Configuration".
  • Added a new binding option called "configurationTitleText", which states the text that should be shown for the title bar "Configuration".
  • Added a new binding option called "visibleMonthsText", which states the text that should be shown for the "Visible Months" label header.
  • Added a new binding option called "visibleDaysText", which states the text that should be shown for the "Visible Days" label header.
  • Added a new binding option called "dataText", which states the text that should be shown for the "Data" label.
  • Added a new binding option called "colorRangesText", which states the text that should be shown for the "Color Ranges" label.
  • Added a new binding option called "yearText", which states the text that should be shown for the "Year" label.
  • Added a new binding option called "daysText", which states the text that should be shown for the "Days" label.
  • Added a new binding option called "noDaysDataMessage", which states the text that should be shown for the "There are currently no days to view." label.


  • CSS renames to ensure they do not collide with other libraries, along with internal refactoring.


  • Fixed a fault that prevented the ToolTip from being hidden when an area outside the body of a document is focused.
  • Fixed a fault that prevented the events added for ToolTips from being removed when the instance is destroyed.
  • Fixed a fault that caused the wrong days to be excluded from the statistics when disabled via the binding options.
  • Fixed an alignment fault in the "statistics" view that caused the x-labels to be slightly off.


3 months ago

New Features:

  • Added import from CSV support (by drag & drop, and the import dialog).

Binding Options:

  • Added a new binding option called "views.map.showMinimalDayNames", which states if only the minimal day names should be shown (defaults to false).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.map.showMonthsInReverseOrder", which states if the months should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.chart.showInReverseOrder", which states if the chart should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false).
  • Added a new binding option called "views.statistics.showInReverseOrder", which states if the statistics should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false).

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Added "use strict" support internally and updated all public functions to use the new scope.
  • Minor internal refactoring to make reviews a little easier.


3 months ago
  • Added a new configuration option called "attributeNotValidErrorText", which states the error text that should be shown when a binding object isn't valid (defaults to "The attribute '{{attribute_name}}' is not a valid object.").
  • Added a new configuration option called "attributeNotSetErrorText", which states the error text that should be shown when a binding attribute isn't set (defaults to "The attribute '{{attribute_name}}' has not been set correctly.").
  • The "unload" window event has been replaced with "pagehide" (due to "unload" being deprecated).


3 months ago
  • Added missing translation "objectErrorText" to all translation files.
  • When a Heat.js instance is created for a DOM element, any existing classes on the element are now maintained (allowing custom CSS classes to be used).
  • All default parameters are now read more accurately and apply the correct defaults.
  • When the binding option "showOnlyDataForYearsAvailable" is set to true, if the first/last year is selected, the Back/Next buttons are now disabled.


3 months ago

Binding Options:

  • Added a new binding option called "showOnlyDataForYearsAvailable", which states if only data for years available is shown (including in the selector, defaults to false).
  • Added a new binding option called "showHolidaysInDayToolTips", which states if the holidays should be shown in the regular day tooltips (defaults to false).

Configuration Options:

  • Added new configuration option "objectErrorText", which states the error text that should be shown when an object error is detected (defaults to "Errors in object: {{error_1}}, {{error_2}}").

UI Changes:

  • The current year in the years drop-down list now uses a slightly different style to make it stand out.

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed a minor formatting issue in the "package.json" file.


4 months ago
  • Updates to the documentation. Everything is now hosted on the main website.