Heroalaeva534 Banana AutoClicker Save

Project README


Banana Autoclicker


Banana Autoclicker is a game cheat for game Banana. This project can change the score in the game and bypass the idle bot check.


banana clicker menu


For users who want to build the menu to a .exe, run build.bat. For users who want to use the source code, simply run setup.bat and then python menu.py.


  • pymem==1.13.1
  • customtkinter==5.2.2
  • pyinstaller (optional, for those who want to build to .exe)

You can also install the dependencies listed in requirements.txt.


  • Score Changer: Changes the score.
  • Bot Idle Check Bypass: Bypasses the bot idle check.
    • Bypass Methods:
      • Random increment - Adds a random number from 1 to 25 to the current score.
      • Random value - Changes the current score to a random value.
      • Increment - Adds 1 to the current score.
    • Delay - Allows you to add a custom delay between executing selected method.
  • Note: You need to click for the score to update.


The project is open to contributors. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Heroalaeva534 Banana AutoClicker" Project. README Source: heroalaeva534/Banana-AutoClicker