Hifitime Versions Save

A high fidelity time management library in Rust


2 months ago

What's next?

This is probably the last release of version 3.x. There's a fair amount of small bugs here and there in 3.x, and these aren't trivial to fix. The architecture changes introduced by @gwbres and I for the development of 4.x should fix all of those in one go.

Also, version 4.0 will likely switch to the Mozilla Public License from Apache 2: if you have concerns about this, please head over to https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/discussions/274 to voice them. From the user point of view, there should be absolutely no change, even if you're selling code that uses an unmodified version of Hifitime.

Naming error

This release is published as 4.0.0-dev on crates.io and 4.0.0.dev0 on PyPi. This was a mistake. It should have been 3.10.0. That's probably for the better though since it introduces one breaking change. Version 4.0.0 will introduce several breaking changes and a new architecture.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/compare/3.9.0...3.10.0


6 months ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/compare/3.8.6...3.9.0


6 months ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/compare/3.8.5...3.8.6


7 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/compare/3.8.4...3.8.5


10 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/compare/3.8.3...3.8.4

Notice for 3.x

With a bit of luck, this will be the last release of 3.x as version 4 makes its way to production. Version 4 will bring more consistency in time scale handling by not converting everything to TAI, but using the initialization time scale whenever possible. Follow the progress on https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/milestone/14 and don't hesitate to propose features or contribute. Thanks


10 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/compare/3.8.2...3.8.3


1 year ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/compare/3.8.1...3.8.2


1 year ago

Thanks again to @gwbres for his work in this release!

  • Fix CI of the formal verification and upload artifacts, cf. #179
  • Introduce time of week construction and conversion by @gwbres, cf.#180 and #188
  • Fix minor typo in src/timeunits.rs by @gwbres, cf. #189
  • Significantly extend formal verification of Duration and Epoch, and introduce kani::Arbitrary to Duration and Epoch for users to formally verify their use of time, cf. #192
  • It is now possible to specify a Leap Seconds file (in IERS format) using the LeapSecondsFile::from_path (requires the std feature to read the file), cf. #43.
  • UT1 time scale is now supported! You must build a Ut1Provider structure with data from the JPL Earth Orientation Parameters, or just use Ut1Provider::download_short_from_jpl() to automatically download the data from NASA JPL.
  • strptime and strftime equivalents from C89 are now supported, cf. #181. Please refer to the documentation for important limitations and how to build a custom formatter.
  • ISO Day of Year and Day In Year are now supported for initialization of an Epoch (provided a time scale and a year), and formatting, cf. #182.
  • Python: the representation of an epoch is now in the time scale it was initialized in

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/compare/3.7.0...3.8.0


1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/compare/3.6.0...3.7.0


1 year ago
  • Galileo System Time and BeiDou Time are now supported, huge thanks to @gwbres for all that work!
  • Significant speed improvement in the initialization of Epochs from their Gregorian representation, thanks @conradludgate for #160.
  • Epoch and Duration now have a min and max function which respectively returns a copy of the epoch/duration that is the smallest or the largest between self and other, cf. #164.
  • [Python] Duration and Epochs now support the operators >, >=, <, <=, ==, and !=. Epoch now supports init_from_gregorian with a time scape, like in Rust. Epochs can also be subtracted from one another using the timedelta function, cf. #162.
  • TimeSeries can now be formatted in different time scales, cf. #163

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/nyx-space/hifitime/compare/3.5.0...3.6.0