HoaLibrary Max Save

:sound: HoaLibrary for Max

Project README

Hoa for Max

The Max implementation of the HoaLibrary :

Image Max

Compatibility :

The latest release is compatible with Max 6.1.9 and higher on Mac Os and Windows plateforms both 32/64bit. => Downloads.

Authors :

Pierre Guillot
Eliott Paris
Julien Colafrancesco

Dependencies :

HoaLibrary & Max-sdk

Licence :

The HoaLibrary is under the terms of the GNU Public License. If you want to avoid the restrictions of the GPL and use HoaLibrary for a closed-source product, please contact us.

Other implementations :

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "HoaLibrary Max" Project. README Source: CICM/HoaLibrary-Max
Open Issues
Last Commit
7 years ago

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